The stalks of squash grown on the field are generally grown on the ground. The density of the squash in the greenhouse is large, so that the plants receive good light, which is conducive to growth. It is also conducive to the conduct of field operations such as pollination, spraying, and harvesting. The vines must be hung upright to grow upright. When hanging the vine, first pull a north-south wire on each row. One rope is used for each melon, and the lower end of the rope is fixed on the ground with a wooden stake or on the base of the stem of the squash. With the growth of the vine, the rope and the vine can be entangled with each other. It is also possible to insert a frame, that is, to insert a thick bamboo pole next to each pole, and then use a stirrup or a plastic rope to bind the vine. When tying the vines, care must be taken not to twist the string around the small melons. At the same time, as the vines are tied, adjust the petioles of the plants so that they spread out in the horizontal direction. Tied vines should be carried out frequently. When vines are tied to individual taller plants, they can be bent so that the growing point is at the same height. If the growth period is long, the vines are high, and the vines can be appropriately placed.
Plant renewal of squash cultivation in the greenhouse, the growth period is long, and later plants enter the senescence period. If the main vine is aged or poorly grown, leave 1-2 side vines for the female flowers to appear, and then cut the original vine to promote side vine pods.
Timely removal of disease, residue, old leaves and side buds, tendrils Zucchini leaves large, petiole long, easy to shading each other, it should be the disease, residual leaves and lower yellow old leaves as soon as possible to remove, so as not to cause disease and excessive consumption of nutrients. Zucchini is dominated by the main vine, so the main vine growth advantage should be maintained and the lateral buds should be erased as soon as possible. For some of the young melons that are caused by insufficient supply of nutrients, they should be promptly removed to reduce nutrient losses and to prevent the spread of diseases. Tendril growth also consumes nutrients and should also be removed as soon as possible. If there are too many males in the middle and late period, they should be removed. After the pruning and defoliating, the streptomycin should be sprayed on the wound to prevent the wound from becoming infected.
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