Controlling cardiomyocytes with a laser beam

Controlling cardiomyocytes with a laser beam

Recently, Prof Konstantin Agladze uses laser to control cardiomyocytes. When arrhythmia or myocardial disorder occurs, laser control is used to simulate the electrical signals generated by the myocardial pack, so that the normal communication of information between the cells in the heart can be coordinated. The heart regains its function.

Controlling cardiomyocytes with a laser beam

Controlling cardiomyocytes with a laser beam

Cardiomyocytes can produce and transmit electrical signals, and their signaling pathways are mainly through changes in cell membrane potential. The normal heart is always rhythmic and regular beats. The average adult has a heartbeat of about 60-80 beats per minute, with an average of 75 beats. Children's heart rate is relatively fast, and the baby's heart rhythm can reach 140 times per minute within 9 months. The role of the heart is to promote blood flow, provide sufficient blood flow to organs and tissues to supply oxygen and various nutrients, and take away metabolic end products (such as carbon dioxide, urea and uric acid) to maintain normal metabolism of cells. and function. In addition, the relatively constant adjustment of body temperature depends on the continuous circulation of blood in the blood vessels, and the circulation of blood is achieved by the action of the heart "pump". The normal functioning of the heart is important for human health, so Prof Konstantin Agladze, which uses lasers to control cardiomyocytes to ensure normal heart rate, is especially meaningful! (Translated from: news-medical, text / Xu Gaofeng translation)

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