Cold medicines and antipyretics should not be used together.

Cold medicines and antipyretics should not be used together.

January 23, 2015 Source: Xinhuanet

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At present, the commonly used antipyretic drugs are acetaminophen and ibuprofen, and the pharmaceutical ingredients of the cold are complicated, and are often compound preparations. Without knowing the composition of the drug, taking the drug containing the same ingredient at the same time is prone to drug superimposition. Long-term use or overdose can cause kidney damage and even cause kidney failure.

People who are susceptible to high blood pressure, diabetes, and heart disease should be more cautious. It is best to consult a doctor and replace it with a drug with a small side effect. If nausea and vomiting after taking the drug, reduce the amount of urine, urine color becomes deeper and other symptoms, must be timely medical treatment, dragging a long time easily become chronic, and chronic injury is not easy to treat.

Experts advise that the physical cooling method can also be used for winter fever. Especially after the child has fever, the physical cooling is preferred. Wipe the child's head, armpits, limbs or a warm bath with a warm and damp towel. Always pay attention to the child's consciousness, pulse, and breathing. If such a situation occurs, you should receive a timely consultation.

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