Three points of jujube tree spring management

Most of spring irrigation in spring is arid and less rainy, and the irrigation effect during the germination period is very good. The amount of irrigation should be based on local weather, flood conditions, tree vigor, age, etc. Irrigation is best combined with root application, promoting the development of jujube roots, smooth flow of water, enhancing the quality of root tillering, promoting fibrous roots thick, rooting, strong roots, increase root tube delivery nutrient capacity and metabolic frequency.

Spring fertilization includes the application of base fertilizer in early spring and quick-applied fertilizer in late spring. In the late spring, the quick-to-apply fertilizer is dominated by nitrogen fertilizer, and it is carried out before and after germination from April to May. General adult trees excavate small pits on the outside of the trees. Each plant topdresses urea and organic fertilizer. Young trees are reduced.

Spring Spring plowing plow in soil thawed, plowing depth of 30 to 40 cm, depth from the vicinity of the trunk should be shallow, to prevent breaking large root injury. It is inappropriate to plough the areas and seasons where there are many winds and winds in spring. Spring ploughing in mountainous areas should be done in conjunction with repairing the tree tray.

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