What can you eat in the winter solstice?

To eat dumplings in the winter solstice has become the consensus of the small partners, but do you know that there is anything other than eating dumplings on the winter solstice?

Zhang Zhongjing, the doctor's heart, invented dumplings. This unique food became the representative of the winter solstice. Dumplings have long been known as the “balanced meal” requirement most respected by nutritionists at home and abroad. Dumpling skin is made of flour and it is a staple food. It contains sugar, vitamins, etc. It is the main source of human body heat. Dumplings are stuffed with vegetables and meat. This mix is ​​very reasonable. Meat is rich in high-quality protein, and vegetables are found in vitamins, cellulose, and trace elements. Studies have shown that meat takes 4-5 hours to digest in the stomach and intestines, and if it only eats meat and does not eat vegetables, its nutrient absorption rate is 70%; after adding vegetables, it not only tastes good, the nutrient absorption rate can also be increased to about 80%. . In addition, the meat is acidic foods, vegetables are alkaline foods, meat and vegetables are more conducive to acid-base balance. Especially in recent years, there are more and more varieties of dumplings stuffed, seafood, eggs, fish, beans, fruits, etc. can be filled into the dumplings to make nutrition more diversified. From this alone, we can see that the Chinese people have unique wisdom in health care.

What can we eat without dumplings in the winter solstice?

The combination of deliciousness and nutrition, or even dumplings, can be the main custom of the winter solstice after more than a hundred years of vicissitudes. So what are the Chinese winter solstice supplements for the Chinese people who pay attention to health?


Runfei Yiwei: mutton sorghum qi lungs Yiwei

Diet nursed back to health: may wish to eat more with lungs and stomach, replenishing liver and spleen and kidney foods such as beef, lamb, glutinous rice, sorghum, gardenia, lily, Ligustrum lucidum, citrus aurantium, mulberry and so on.

Medicinal diet can choose "Zizi lamb porridge": 30 grams of wolfberry fruit, lamb 100 grams, 150 grams of rice, light blue, salt, monosodium glutamate the amount. Wash the dumplings. Wash the lamb and chop it. Wash the rice cleanly, add it to the casserole with lamb, wolfberry, and light blue, add appropriate amount of water, boil over high heat, boil over low heat, add MSG, salt, and raise liver yin and warm yang. effect.

Fire-shaped people: fire-shaped people, than on the levy, similar to the red Emperor. It is human, red, face to face, small head, good shoulders and shoulders, belly, small hands and feet, line safety, heart and soul, line the shoulders, back full of meat. There is gas, light money, small letters, many concerns, see things, look good, hurry, do not Long life violent death. Fire-shaped people are usually born in the summer. The yang in the body is relatively vigorous. The key to healthy and developed life is to nourish the yin and suppress the yang.

Liver and Invigorating Spleen: Steamed Pork with Liver and Spleen

Diet nursed back to health: You can eat foods that have qi and nourishing yin and replenishing liver and kidney, such as yam, lentils, lilies, wolfberry fruit, taro, mullet, chicken, and duck.

Medicinal diet can choose "Taro porridge": 100 grams of fresh taro, 100 grams of rice, a little sugar. Wash the taro and cut it into small pieces, and put it in a casserole with the washed glutinous rice. Add some water to boil it. Turn it over until it becomes porridge. Add sugar, and boil it a little. There is nourishing liver, spleen and kidney.

Soil-shaped people: earth-shaped people, compared to the upper house, similar to the ancient Yellow Emperor. It is human, yellow, round face, big head, beautiful shoulders, large belly, U.S. stocks, small hands and feet, and more meat. Peace of mind, good people, not like power, good people also. Can fall and winter, can not be spring and summer, spring and summer feeling sick. Soil-shaped people generally have good spleen and stomach function, strong adaptability, and adaptability throughout the year, so they have good constitution, strong self-repair, and good self-feeling.

Qi and Stomach: Ginger juice into the qi and stomach

Dietary Nursing: Steamed buns, potatoes, corn, glutinous rice, sorghum, beef, mutton, chicken, quail, oysters, and other foods may have the effect of tonifying the liver, kidney, and lungs.

Medicinal diet can choose "ginger beef rice": fresh beef 100 grams, ginger 5 grams, 500 grams of rice, soy sauce, peanut oil, the right amount. The fresh beef is chopped and chopped into a meaty dish, put on a saucer, then add ginger juice, mix well and add soy sauce and peanut oil and mix. Put the glutinous rice into the casserole, add the appropriate amount of water, and cook the rice as usual. When the water in the pot is dry, pour the beef into the rice and steam for about 15 minutes until the beef is steamed and cooked. Gas and stomach, kidney and spleen effect.

Gold-shaped person: Gold-shaped person, compared to Shang Shang, like Bai Di. It is human, aspect, white, small head, small shoulders, lower abdomen, small hands and feet, such as bone hair, bone light. Integrity, enthusiasm, and goodness. Can fall and winter, can not be spring and summer, spring and summer feeling sick. Because most people are energetic and full of vitality, gold-type people work very hard and forget to eat, disturbing the normal rhythm of life, causing chronic diseases of the respiratory system, digestive system, and renal water depletion, urinary and reproductive system diseases. Common wind, wet, water stagnation, cold, cold, wet stagnation, stagnant water, cold uterus, cold hands and feet, venous blood back to bad and other diseases. With spleen and stomach can raise lung gold kidney water.

Qi and spleen: pine nuts kernel Qi and spleen

Diet nursed back to health: You can eat qi, spleen, replenishing lung and kidney functions of yam, corn, glutinous rice, pine nuts, walnuts, Chinese wolfberry, peony, Cordyceps sinensis, Lily, Dodder and so on.

Medicinal diet can choose "Litchi yam lotus meat porridge": 15 dry lychee, yam, lotus meat, 15 grams, 150 grams of rice. Wash the first 3 tastes first, then add the glutinous rice to the casserole, add it to the casserole, add the appropriate amount of water, boil over the fire, and boil the porridge over low heat.

Water-shaped person: Shui-shaped person, compared to the upper feather, similar to the black Emperor. It is human, black, uneven, big head, cheap, small shoulders, big belly, hands and feet, release shakes, squats long, back delay. Not reverent, good bully people, drowned. Can fall and winter, can not be spring and summer, spring and summer feeling sick. Water-shaped people generally require strong. Feel very soft and thick. Water-shaped people, born in the winter, are full of yin and yang in the body, which is short of fire. Therefore, the key to health of water-shaped people lies in warm Yang Qi and more fire-fighting.

Warm spleen and yin: Lily Angelica Spleen Yin

Diet nursed back to health: You can eat foods that have liver and kidney tonic, warm stomach and nourishing yin, such as beef, angelica, carrot, lily, yam, Ligustrum lucidum, mulberry, etc.

Medicinal diet can choose "Yam mutton soup": lamb 500 grams, 50 grams of yam, 30 grams of light blue, ginger 15 grams, 6 grams of pepper, rice wine 20 grams, 3 grams of salt, MSG amount. Remove the mutton to the fascia, wash it, draw a few knives, and re-entry boiling water to remove blood. Wash the onion, ginger, and chop the onion and cut the ginger. After immersed in clear water, yam stalks are cut into 2 cm thick pieces, and the mutton and yam are placed in a casserole and the appropriate amount of fresh water is added. After boiling with a large fire, the floating foam is removed, and scallions, ginger, pepper, and rice wine are added. Switch to a low heat and stew until the mutton is crispy. Remove the lamb and let it cool. Slice the mutton into a bowl, remove the onion and ginger from the original soup, add salt and monosodium glutamate, stir well, and pour into the mutton bowl together with the yam. Spleen and kidney, warm and warm effect.


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