Onion is a key to high yield of spring tube

Recently, farmers in Zhangjiakou, a suburb of the city of Kaifeng, Henan province, reported that local farmers had a large area of ​​planting onions. Only their cooperatives planted more than 5,000 mu onions this year. Now that onions are about to enter the green period, there is less rain in the local areas in the winter. This year, the onions grow in general, and they ask how to strengthen the spring management of onions. Here, the author proposes the following suggestions:

First, timely top-dressing fertilizer. As the temperature rises, the onion begins to enter the growing period and the leaf area will expand rapidly. At this time, the management will focus on promoting the vigorous growth of the leaf and laying the foundation for the expansion of the bulb. For this purpose, watering fertilizer should be applied in time, and it is recommended to pour water once every 10 days or so. In combination with watering, apply 25-30 kg of potassium sulfate compound fertilizer per acre, when the plant grows to 8-9 functional leaves. Cultivated seedlings. It can be sprayed with 600 times of American Pridon fish protein or seaweed to promote onion bulb expansion and prevent leggy.

After onset of seedlings, the onion enters the bulb expansion phase, the temperature rises during this period, the plant growth rate is accelerated, and the evaporation of water begins to increase. Watering at this time should be diligent, generally 5-7 days pouring a water, and flushing with nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium fertilization 10-15 kg. When bulbs approach maturity, the physiological functions of leaves and roots begin to decline. Watering should be gradually reduced, and watering should be stopped 7-8 days before harvest to reduce the water content in bulbs and improve the storability.

Second, we must pay attention to prevent disease in advance. The most common diseases of onion are anthrax, soft rot, and gray mold. In order to reduce and prevent the occurrence of diseases, in addition to strengthening daily management, it is also necessary to use chemical prevention in advance to spray and prevent it.

When anthrax occurs in the leaves, there are spindle-to-irregular lesions on top, ranging from greyish brown to brown, with many small black spots. After the lesions are enlarged, the upper leaves die. When the temperature is around 20°C, the disease becomes severe under high humidity conditions. Chemical control can be sprayed with 75% Dakenin WP 600 times, 10% WS Water Dispersible 1500 times or 70% thiophanate-methyl 500 times + Fish Protein 600 times, spraying every 7-10 days Once, spray 2-3 times.

Soft rot can occur in onion bulb expansion and storage period. The main symptom is the softening of the base of the leaf sheath and the lodging of the outer leaves. In the early stage of disease, it can be sprayed with streptomycin for agricultural use or 4000 times for neophytin + 600 times for Plzydene fish protein, and sprayed for 5 times a day for 5-7 days.

During the growth period, gray mold occurs in the neck and sheath of the bulb, and in the wet environment, there is a gray mold layer. Control can be used 40% Shijiale suspension 1000 times, 40% Shijiale 1200 times or farmer orchard (chlorodiamine) 600-1000 times spray, spray every 7-10 days, even spray 2-3 times.

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