How to cultivate melon

Variety selection: choose the growth period of less than 100 days, early flowering, easy to sit melon, early maturity and stronger disease resistance varieties, such as Elizabeth, Zhongtian No. 1 and so on.

Cultivate strong seedlings: Nursery is generally conducted in a greenhouse or on a warm bed, and the seedlings are raised in the middle or late February. Before seed sowing, disinfection, soaking, and germination should be performed. Sterilization can be performed by pouring water at 55 degrees Celsius into the container of the seed and soaking in warm water. Stir down while stirring until the water temperature drops to 30 degrees Celsius. Soak the seeds for 6 to 8 hours for germination. Germination temperature is generally 28 to 30 degrees Celsius.

Sowing: It should be done at noon on sunny days. The temperature before the seedlings exhumation is 25 to 30 degrees Celsius. When 70 to 80 percent of the seedlings are unearthed, the temperature is controlled between 20 and 25 degrees Celsius during the day and 15 degrees Celsius at night to prevent leggy. After the first true leaf is unfolded, raise the temperature inside the shed and it is 25 to 30 degrees Celsius during the day to strengthen the seedlings. One week before planting, the seedlings were cultivated at low temperature. The temperature was controlled between 15 and 18 degrees Celsius during the day and the night temperature was 12 degrees Celsius.

Colonization: Fertilization before planting.

1 planting period: planting period is an important factor in determining early maturation and high yield, colonization is too early, the ground temperature is too low, should not survive. If the planting is too late, it will not achieve the purpose of premature maturation. The best planting period should be selected to be above the local daily average temperature of 10 degrees Celsius, and the weather should be planted on sunny days without wind, and immediately after planting, the cover film should be kept warm.

2 Planting methods: Normal sorghum plants were planted in a single row and the seedlings were planted in the center of the earthworms slightly southwards at a spacing of 35 to 40 cm. The advantage of single-line cultivation is that the seedlings spend a long time in the shed. Acre planting 900 to 1000 plants.

Temperature management after planting: The initial focus of colonization is cold insulation. Planting 5-7 days tightly closed a small shed, warming, moisturizing promote slow seedlings. Slow temperature after the seedlings 28 to 30 degrees Celsius, the night temperature of not less than 10 degrees Celsius, the morning shed temperature rises to 28 degrees Celsius when the release of air, first in the shed two uncover the film, the temperature dropped and then covered. In the afternoon, the greenhouse temperature dropped to 25°C cover outlet to ensure that the night temperature was not too low. Later, with the increase in outside temperature, gradually increase the ventilation. Flowering and fruiting period: 27 to 30 degrees Celsius during the day and 15 to 18 degrees Celsius at night.

Pest control: Pests and diseases mainly include leaf blight, blight, downy mildew, and roundworm. Leaf blight and bacterial blight can be controlled by quick-acting, acetaminophen, mancozeb, etc., and downy mildew can be controlled by anti-virus drugs. To prevent and control the early stages of plant disease, 7 to 10 days, 3 times in a row. Aphids are generally treated with imidacloprid.




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