What are the dietary taboos in the winter

Winter diets are subject to changes in physiological function and appetite. Therefore, it is very necessary to properly adjust the diet and ensure the nutrition that the human body needs, in order to improve the cold resistance and immunity of the organism.

There are many diets in winter, but the general principle is that it should be used to keep warm and keep dry. Should add more heat food. In winter, body resistance to cold requires a lot of calories. In order to adapt to this feature, dietary supplements should include more calorie-rich nutrients, such as carbohydrates, fats, proteins, etc., to improve the body's ability to withstand low temperatures. In particular, foods rich in protein should be added, and lean meat, chicken, duck, eggs, fish, milk, and soy products should have high protein content.


Should add more methionine-containing foods. Methionine can provide a series of methyls that are necessary for cold resistance through the transfer effect, which is very beneficial to the human body in winter. Mainly include sesame, sunflower seeds, yeast, dairy products, leafy vegetables, etc.

Appropriate to add some inorganic salts. Experts suggest that more vegetables should be taken in winter, such as carrots, lilies, hawthorn, Chinese wolfberry and green vegetables, Chinese cabbage, etc., because these vegetables contain more inorganic salts in their roots.

The amount of calcium in the human body can directly affect the body's myocardial and vascular smooth muscle flexibility and excitability, more calcium can improve the body cold. Shrimp, oysters, peanuts, oysters, milk and other foods contain more calcium.

Should eat more foods rich in vitamin B2, vitamin A, vitamin C. In the cold winter, the body's oxidative function is strengthened, and the body's vitamin metabolism has also undergone significant changes, and symptoms such as dry skin, chapped lips, angular cheilitis, and cheilitis are most likely to occur. Vitamin B2 mainly exists in animal liver, eggs, milk, beans and other foods; foods rich in vitamin A include animal liver, carrots, pumpkins, sweet potatoes, etc.; vitamin C is mainly found in fresh vegetables and fruits.

Should properly add iron-containing foods. In winter, people are often prone to laziness because of the cold weather and the death of all things. Pork liver and lean meat are the best sources of iron. They often eat some red beans, black beans, soybeans, etc., and can also play a role in supplementing iron.

In addition, winter health must also be "three bogey." Avoid cold food. The cold weather in winter, indigestible cold food will damage the spleen and stomach. Do not eat bitter cold food. Bitter substances can be discharged, easily injure yang, disturbing the gas in the possession and impairing the spleen and stomach. The chilly things can also cause diarrhea. But also should not eat hot food, because eat more hot food, prone to internal heat, heat hurt the stomach, but also damage the spleen and stomach. Avoid drinking spirits. Many people have the habit of drinking alcohol in winter, but in the winter, they can only drink low-alcohol drinks, preferably drinking wine.

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