Delaying the management of bad weather in cucumber in autumn

Delaying the cultivation of autumn cucumbers often leads to bad weather such as yin, rain, and snow, causing significant changes in temperature, humidity, and light. Failure to take appropriate measures in management will result in a reduction in production.

First, temperature regulation

Cucumbers like warm, cold-resistant, and need a certain temperature difference between day and night. Fertility temperature is 18°C-30°C, and the optimum temperature is 24°C. The lowest temperature starts at 1°C and it begins to suffer freezing injury. Below 10°C, it develops poorly. When it is above 35°C, it has poor growth and development. When the temperature exceeds 40°C, it falls and falls, and when it exceeds 45°C, it dies. Cucumber in the growth process requires a certain temperature difference between day and night before it can speed up the transport of assimilated substances, inhibit leggy and increase production. Under normal circumstances, the temperature during the day is 25°C-30°C, the temperature in the middle of the night is 18°C-20°C, the temperature in the latter half of the night is 12°C-15°C, and the temperature difference between day and night is about 10°C. The temperature difference is too small, it is easy to grow long, and the flower is too hot. If the temperature difference is too large, the nutrition of the plant is poor, the plants are weak, and the rate of culturing is reduced. In rainy and snowy weather, additional measures such as increasing the number of reflective films, electric lights, or fire tunnels should be taken.

Second, light regulation

On a cloudy day, the plants themselves will have insufficient storage nutrients and will be distributed to the fruits, resulting in poor fruit development. If it is continuously overcast for more than 10 days, the yield of cucumber will decrease significantly. The solution: First, sprinkler irrigation in the sunny morning after the rain, to supplement the water needed for transpiration; Second, when the shade, rain, snow weather is fine, the straw curtain or insulation is to be rolled every other place, so that the cucumber has an adaptation In the process, when the cucumbers are exposed to light for 1-2 hours, the straw or the insulation is rolled up, followed by normal management. Don't open it all at once. Otherwise, the steep temperature rise in the greenhouse will increase the transpiration coefficient of the cucumber leaves. The water supply to the roots will lead to wilting of leaves and even to the death of green crops.

Third, humidity control

The greenhouse has a strong sealing property. In the closed state, the air humidity in the shed is often in the range of 80% to 90%. The change law of the air humidity in the shed is: When the shed temperature rises, the relative humidity decreases; when the shed temperature decreases, the relative humidity rises. The relative humidity on sunny days and wind days decreased while the relative humidity on rainy days increased significantly. After the sunrise, as the temperature of the greenhouse increases, plant transpiration and soil evaporation intensify. If it is not ventilated, the humidity in the greenhouse will increase significantly, and the humidity in the greenhouse will decrease after ventilation. Before the wind is closed in the afternoon, the humidity will drop to the lowest; As the temperature drops, the shed film will condense a large amount of water droplets and the relative humidity will reach saturation. When the relative humidity in the shed reaches saturation, raising the temperature of the shed can reduce the humidity. In the greenhouse temperature 5 °C -10 °C, every increase of 1 °C, the relative humidity can be reduced by 3% -4%. The soil moisture in the greenhouse is also higher than the exposed area. In special weather, as long as it can be ventilated, a small amount of ventilation is needed to reduce the humidity in the shed. At the same time, due to high humidity in the greenhouse, various diseases such as gray mold, disease, and spot blight also tend to occur. In this case, prevention and control should be carried out with comprehensive methods such as spraying soil, aerosol fumigation, and spraying powder.

Fourth, fertilizer management

In cloudy, rainy, and snowy weather, due to infrequent exposure to light in the shed, cucumber roots have a poor ability to absorb fertilizer, and the leaves cannot completely consume nutrients transported by the root system. If topdressing or foliar spraying of urea and other nitrogenous fertilizers is performed at this time, severe fertilizer damage will result. Light green spots will appear on the leaves. After a sunny day, the spots will darken and die, affecting the formation of yield. Heavy cucumber roots will be poisoned and the roots will be yellow and cause the death of the whole plant.

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