The first Alzheimer's disease vaccine is expected to come out
July 20, 2016 Source: China Medical Device Information Network
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This is a remarkable achievement in the treatment of dementia, the new drug can lock tau protein and abnormal β-amyloid protein, and the accumulation of these proteins is the culprit of Alzheimer's disease. Even better, Nikolai Petrovsky, a researcher at Flinders University in Australia, said the drug could be tested in humans within 2-3 years.
He said: "If our clinical trials are successful, there will be significant progress in our medical history within 3-5 years."
In an interview with the media, Petrovsky said that antibodies in the vaccine will remove proteins damaged by the disease like trailers. In the new form of treatment, the researchers combined two separate vaccine candidates for beta-amyloid and tau.
The second candidate for the tau vaccine has recently been discovered, and it is the most effective means of reversing the damage to the brain. If the beta-amyloid vaccine can be used as a means of preventing dementia, then it can do its best.
According to the recent mouse experiment, the new drugs produced after the combination of the two are even more effective.
In other words, the new vaccine is partially focused on triggering the culprits of Alzheimer's disease, while the other part focuses on the culprit that worsens the disease.
Petrovsky explained: "Pick a new drug to a specific age group (such as 50 years old) to prevent them from suffering from dementia, but early dementia patients can also take this medicine to alleviate or even reverse the condition."
Every year, approximately 7.5 million cases of Alzheimer's disease are diagnosed worldwide. The aging population in the Western world and the growing number of people with type 2 diabetes make the future bleak. Alzheimer's disease is the most common cause of dementia in the elderly.
In recent years, people have invested a lot of money in preventing dementia, but less than 0.5% of them can get help. To improve this situation, the most advanced universal vaccine platform MultiTEP was born, and scientists can find more effective treatments.
Although we don't know if these drugs are effective for humans, even a little hope can be exciting. The latest research results were published in the scientific report.
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