Pollution-free egg farm environment control

Duck, temperature, humidity, light requirements

Ducklings do not have adequate thermoregulatory function and have poor cold tolerance. During brooding, care must be taken to maintain a relatively constant temperature. Reference temperature: 30°C-32°C for 1 week of age, 2°C-3°C per week for 2 weeks- 4 weeks of age. If ducklings regularly eat, drink, defecate, and rest, the temperature is normal. The relative humidity during brooding should be kept between 55% and 65%, and the light duration should be kept within 23 hours to 24 hours within 1 week of age, and then reduced by 2 hours per week until it is reduced to 14 hours. Ducks are water birds and prefer to swim, but the pens must not be wet and the bedding must be dry. Three days after hatching, the ducklings can swim one after another, but the time cannot be too long.

Field environment control

Air quality is mainly affected by the content of air pollutants, which are substances that are released into the atmosphere due to human or animal activity and natural phenomena and have harmful effects on humans or the environment. They can be classified into aerosols according to their characteristics. Pollutants and gaseous pollutants. Aerosol pollutants mainly include soot and fly ash, as well as pathogenic microorganisms attached to it; according to their particle size, they are classified into fly ash (inhalable particles), dustfall, and total suspended particulate matter. The main gaseous pollutants are ammonia, hydrogen sulfide and carbon dioxide.

The air environment of the duck and duck farm is divided into three areas: the buffer zone (the area within 500 meters of the perimeter of the referent area), the field area (referring to the sports field and water field area) and the sheer area (inside). Air pollutants such as ammonia, hydrogen sulfide, carbon dioxide, and malodorous gases, as well as aerosol state pollutants such as respirable particulate matter (standard state) and total suspended particulate matter (standard state), whose indicators must comply with agriculture Departmental industry standards requirements.

The air environment control in duck houses mainly refers to controlling the content of air pollutants. On the one hand, it is affected by the external environment of the duck house, and on the other is the pollution produced by the duck raising process itself. While controlling and eliminating pollution, it is necessary to ensure that the temperature, humidity, and light of the duck house are suitable.

Control and eliminate harmful gas in duck houses. The basic idea is to eliminate or reduce the production of harmful gases. Once harmful gases are produced, they should try to reduce the concentration of harmful gases. The specific methods are as follows: 1. Clean up the excrement in time and reduce the spillage of hydrogen sulfide and ammonia in the excrement. 2. Strengthen ventilation and ventilate the harmful gas in the duck house. 3. Add probiotics to the duck's feed to reduce the amount of harmful gases produced in the feces.

Control and eliminate aerosol-borne pollutants and pathogenic microorganisms in the air. The basic idea is to reduce the generation of particulate matter, and once the particulate matter is produced, it must be eliminated as much as possible. The specific methods are as follows: 1. To reduce the production of dust, dust, and other particulate matter when processing feed, heating, and sanitation, and other activities, because pathogenic microorganisms are generally attached to the surface of airborne particles, and some particles can cause some egg ducks to have allergies. . 2. Dust removal in duck houses, including mechanical dust removal, wet dust removal, filter dust removal and electrostatic dust removal. 3. Afforestation around the duck farm and its playground. The trees not only absorb dust, but also reduce the concentration of harmful gases throughout the duck farm and increase the amount of oxygen.

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