Intestinal beneficial bacteria reduce susceptible to depression

The comparison of intestinal bacteria between 43 patients with major depressive disorder and 57 healthy persons by the National Neurological Medical Research Center of Japan found that the number of beneficial bacteria Bifidobacterium and Lactobacillus in the depression population was significantly lower than that in the healthy population. The results of this study show that people with less beneficial bacteria have a higher risk of depression.

In Japan, about 700,000 people are currently treated for depression, and untreated patients are estimated to exceed three to four times the number of patients and are one of the major diseases that threaten Japanese health. It is generally believed that the cause of depression is a biological cause of neurotransmitter abnormalities, endocrine abnormalities of stress response, and chronic inflammation, but there is no further understanding of depression. There are more than 1,000 bacteria in the human intestine, amounting to more than 100 trillion, with a total weight of about 1 to 1.5 kg. These bacteria absorb nutrients from food, synthesize vitamins and proteins, and prevent external pathogens from invading the human body. They are responsible for extremely important tasks.

The research team conducted studies on 43 patients with severe depression and 57 healthy persons. They collected bifidobacteria and lactobacilli from the feces of the subjects, and analyzed with 16S rRNA genetic reverse transcription quantitative PCR. The number of bifidobacteria in severe depression patients was significantly lower than that of healthy individuals; the total number of Lactobacilli was also The same is low. In the analysis, the critical number of patients with Bifidobacterium (109.53 per g of feces) was 49% (21/43) and the healthy population was 23% (13/57), per gram. When the number of bifidobacteria in the stool was less than 109.53, the risk of complications in patients with severe depression increased threefold; when the number of lactobacilli was less than 106.49 per gram of stool, the risk of complications in patients with depression was 2.5 times. The research team also found that the proportion of patients with irritable bowel syndrome complicated by depression was significantly higher in patients with depression.

The research results published in the online edition of the “Emotional Disorder” magazine report for the first time that the low number of beneficial bacteria can easily lead to an increased risk of depression. It is also found that the stress-related physical and mental illnesses of irritable bowel syndrome are also related to beneficial bacteria. The uptake of probiotics such as lactic acid bacteria drinks and yoghurt may be effective in the prevention and treatment of depression.

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