Artificial forced moulting method for laying hens

In the early winter, after the first egg production peak, the egg production decreased. When it falls below 50%, artificial forced moulting is applied to laying hens, egg production in the second year can be increased by 8%-12%, and the economical period of chickens can be prolonged. Here are some ways to force moulting.

First, the hormone method

This method promotes the suspension of production and moulting by injecting hormones into laying hens. Use this method to remove artificial light for the first 12 days. Chickens can freely eat and drink water while retaining natural light. Then 30 mg of progesterone was intramuscularly injected into each individual chicken. The main and secondary wing feathers were quickly replaced, and eggs were laid 40-50 days later.

Second, the hunger law

The chickens were suspended for 17 days and stopped for 2 days. During this period, feed and drinking water could be given in small quantities and artificial lighting could be stopped. On the 18th day, the light was increased to 16 hours, and regular feeding was started. Each chicken was 30 grams and served at noon. On the nineteenth day, each chicken was fed 60 grams and was divided into two feedings in the afternoon. On the twentieth day, each chicken feeds 90 grams, which is divided into three feedings: early, middle, and late. On the 21st day, free food intake resumed. The method is characterized by the fact that all chickens are discontinued 5 days after the feed is stopped, the first egg is produced after 30 days, the egg production rate is 50.7% after 57 days, and egg production rate is above 70% in 85-130 days.

Third, the chemical method

The method is to add or reduce a certain amount of chemicals, such as zinc, calcium, salt, etc., in the chicken's feed. After the chemical is removed, the hens are rested and their physique restored. Next, the second egg cycle is resumed. The method is to add zinc oxide (purity higher than 99.7%) to the diet of the layer of chickens by 2.5%, stir the chicken and allow the chicken to freely feed and freely drink water. After zinc oxide was added, the appetite, feed intake, body weight, and egg production rate of laying hens decreased. By the fourth day, its egg production rate dropped by 75%-80%. By the seventh day, the egg production rate was almost zero. After the chickens were discontinued, zinc oxide was removed, and the appetite and egg production rate of laying hens increased. 25-30 days after the removal of zinc oxide, egg production rate can be restored to more than 50%.

Four, hunger, chemical synthesis

The advantages of this method are: safety, simplicity, quick moulting, short production period, and quick recovery of egg production, but there are still chemical hens that are not completely moulted, have early egg production, and have reduced egg production rates. Disadvantages such as. The implementation method is: water the laying hens, cut off the material for 2.5 days, stop supplementing the light artificially, and then start the water supply. From the third day, the chickens are allowed to freely feed 2% or 2.5% zinc sulphate containing zinc powder for 7 consecutive days. After 10 days, all production was stopped and normal light was restored. Hens lay eggs 20 days after the moult begins. 50 days after the start of moulting, the hens achieved a 50% egg production rate. Using hunger and chemical synthesis, hen mortality during moulting is generally not more than 1%.

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