The efficacy and effect of semi-Fenghe wine

Half Maple Wine

【Formula】Semi-Maple Lotus, Wujiapi, Cinnamon Peel, Shouwu, Qianjinba, Angelica each 1500

Semi-Maple Charge

Semi-Maple Charge

Grams, dry red skin. Cooked Chuanwu, Achyranthes each 1000 grams, 50-60 degrees sugar wave wine (sweetened sugar juice liquor distilled out of wine) 50 kg.

[Method] The first 9 slices will be placed in a porcelain jar, add sugar wave wine, cover, soak 2-3 weeks (in the summer can be reduced by a few days, the winter can add a few days), filtered to residue, that is, too.

【Functions】 Rheumatism, strong bones, and pain.

【Indications】 rheumatoid spondylitis, lumbar muscle strain and joint sprains embolism.

【Usage】 Oral. 15 ml per serving, 2 times daily.

[Note] cited from "Guangxi health", clinical experience, more effective.


Puyang Linshi Medical Supplies Co., Ltd. ,