Seedling moisture "three look"

Water management is very important during the growth period of seedlings. If the following three situations occur, your seedlings need to be watered.

A look at whether the bed is white and the growth of the root system, such as bed soil white, roots need to be well watered.

The second is to see if the tip of the leaf spits water and water droplets in the morning and evening. If the tip of the leaf does not spit water or the water droplet becomes smaller in the morning and evening, it needs to be watered.

Thirdly, if the heart is curled at high temperatures in the afternoon, such as when the heart is curled in the middle of the morning, water it at about 8 o'clock in the morning and pour enough water at a time. When the water is poured, the water temperature should be above 20°C (the optimum water temperature is 22 to 25°C). Water seedlings with water temperatures below 18°C ​​are strictly prohibited.

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