Lotus fog nutrient preservation technology

Abstract : To study the nutrition and preservation technology of lotus fruit, a kind of tropical fruit, through the analysis of the biological characteristics, nutrition and medicinal value of lotus mist, and the harvest time, harvesting method and storage requirements before maturation. The treatment was introduced to strengthen our understanding of lotus mist in order to better realize the edible and medicinal value of lotus mist, and to provide methods for producers to reduce losses caused by improper methods of reducing storage of lotus mist.

Keywords: lotus fog; nutrition; fresh-keeping technology

Syz ygium samar angense, also known as indica, Jinshan Syzygium, and water rose apple, is Myrtaceae (Sycamoreaceae). Originating from countries such as Malaysia, Indonesia and India, Taiwan was first introduced in the 17th century. It is a famous tropical and subtropical fruit. Because of its adaptability, good economic efficiency,

Now China's Guangdong, Hainan, Fujian (South), Guangxi, Yunnan and Sichuan provinces (regions) are cultivated. Among them, Taiwan has cultivated the most and has become one of the four major fruits in the province. The lotus fruit has bright color, beautiful appearance, and flesh-like flesh.

Rich in nutrition, cool and refreshing, especially in the hot and dry season in spring and summer, it is very popular as a refreshing thirst-quenching fruit. In addition to fresh food, it can also be processed into sugar products, preserves and other foods.

Deeply loved by consumers. Here, I will introduce specific analysis of the biological characteristics, nutrient composition and food and medicinal value of lotus mist, and the maturity of harvest time, harvesting methods, and treatments required before storage. The understanding of lotus mist in order to better realize the edible and medicinal value of lotus mist, and provide methods for producers to reduce losses caused by improper methods for reducing lotus mist storage.

1. The nutrition of lotus fog

1.1 Biological characteristics of lotus mist

1.11 Morphological characteristics

The lotus mist tree grows fast and long, has an evergreen evergreen, and has a graceful tree appearance. It has a long flowering period, a strong flower, and a beautiful flower shape. It has a long fruiting period, a beautiful fruit shape, and a bright fruit color. The lotus pulp is spongy, and the fruit has milky white, pink, large (deep) red, red (red), dark purple, light green, light red, and blue green. In Taiwan, Lianwu is known as the "fruit emperor." Because of its appearance of water spirit, red flutter, slippery, shaped like a hanging bell, placed like a lotus on the table, it is called lotus mist. Sun Xiangnan, an ancient man, described the portrait of Lianwu in a poem: “However, there is no need to look at it with lightness. The sea and the sky are in control and the Donghuang wax is a pill.” [1 ]

1.12 growth characteristics

The results of lotus mist are faster. Generally, a small amount of fruit can be produced in the leap years after planting, and then it will increase year after year. A lotus fruit tree planted for 15 to 20 years can harvest three to four hundred kilograms of fruit each year. The adult tree of lotus fog is 3 meters high. In Southeast Asia, it is flowered once a month in March and April, matured in May-June, and bloomed two times in late July. The fruit ripens from August to September, and flowering in December. General weight 70-80 grams. The production of lotus fog in Taiwan Province is subject to adjustment of the maturation period, with 4-6 flowering results per year and 4000-5000 kg per mu.

Han Jian and others observed the phenology and growth of Indah lotus fog in Hainan Province, and also investigated the flowering fruit habits. Intai lotus fog 4-5 times a year, divided into early spring shoots or late winter shoots, summer shoots, autumn shoots and winter shoots. In the budding period of Hainan Province in early April, the early flowering period is at the end of April, the flowering period is in early May and the late flowering period is in mid-May. Zengshun et al. observed the big pink lotus fog in Guangdong. The big pink lotus leaves were single leaves, oval, leathery, hairless and full. Strong germination power, strong branching force, so each drawing more, one year can shoot new shoots 4-5 times, a large amount of growth, easy to quickly form a canopy, properly controlled, easy early end of high yield [2].

Xiao Chunfen's observation at the Xishuangbanna Tropical Botanical Garden [3] of the Chinese Academy of Sciences for a 19-year-old lotus fog obtained the following data: The height of the plant is 90m, and the crown is 78m and 65m. Branch sites are low, branches are numerous,

Crown natural round shape. Twigs are flat, dark red, old twigs are gray-brown, and shoots are light green or purple. Leaves opposite, elliptic to oblong, 25-285cm long, 9-11cm wide, apex obtuse or slightly pointed,

Base narrowly or heart-shaped, with many small ridges of ridges, prominent veins, lateral veins 18-22 pairs. Cymes, terminal or axillary, 5-6 cm long; several flowers, calyx tube campanulate, sepals 4-lobed, 4 petals,

White, stamens numerous, ovary inferior. Drooping fruit, pear-shaped, bell-shaped and conical, etc., fleshy, waxy surface, appearance of milky white, greenish green or deep red, etc.; fruit length 70cm, width 50cm or so;

Flesh white, spongy, with less juice, sweet and sour; about 3 seeds or nothing. Normal flowering period from March to May, and fruit from May to July are mature.

1.13 Biological characteristics

The misty warmth of the lotus mist is afraid of the cold. The optimum temperature for growth is 25-30°C, and it will be frozen at 8°C. Strict requirements for the soil, but like the moist fertile soil, with slightly alkaline, moist and fertile viscous soil is most suitable (such as paddy field), land and dry land, low yield and poor quality. The demand for water is high and there must be sufficient water supply for the anniversary.

1.2 The nutritional content, edible and medicinal value of lotus mist

1.21 Nutrients

The analysis of nutrient composition on the nutritional value of fruits provides a basis for scientific research work and can provide reference for consumers at the same time. At present, there are few reports on the detailed assessment of the nutritional value of lotus mist. Wang Xiaohong [4] uses spectrophotometry, indophenol titration, alkali titration, Coomassie blue staining, hand-held sugar meter and rapid moisture determination. Instruments and other methods were used to analyze the nutrient contents of a deep red variety Lianwu in a farmyard in Chaoan County, Chaozhou City. The results of the analysis were: Vitamin C 78.07 mg/kg, organic acid 0.205 mg/kg, protein 0.690%, total sugar 7.680%, and water content 90.75%. Every 100g of lotus mist, contains 34 calories, crude protein 0.5g, crude fat 0.2g, carbohydrate 8.6g, crude fiber 0.6g, dietary fiber 1g, vitamin B1 0.02mg, vitamin B2 0.03mg, niacin 0.03 Mg, vitamin B6 0.03 mg, vitamin C 6 mg, sodium 25 mg, potassium 340 mg, calcium 28 mg, magnesium 13 mg, phosphorus 35 mg, iron 1.5 mg, zinc 0.2 mg.

1.22 Edible and Medicinal Value

Lotus fog, pulp was sponge, fresh food. It is often used as a cold dish in the banquets in southern Taiwan and Taiwan. It has a faint sweetness with a little bit of acid, but not too much water, but there is a fragrance of apple. In addition to fresh food, there are many simple ways to eat lotus leaf, such as slices sprinkled with salt or a little amount of sugar, is a unique diet cold dish. Digging a hole in the center of lotus mist, stuffing it with meat, steaming it with fierce fire for about 10 minutes, is Taiwan's famous traditional recipe, which is known as “Focus on the Four Seas”. With lotus leaf slices soaked in salt water for a period of time, and then fried with cucumber, carrot slices, not only color, shape, taste and taste, but also crisp and delicious, is a rare dish. It can also be used as a side dish with fried pork and fried squid. Lotus mist can also be salted, candied, canned and dehydrated or made into fruit juice, etc., and even others have studied the production process of lotus mist wine [5].

Lotus mist sweet, non-toxic, lungs, cough, sputum, cooling, convergence, indicia, dryness, cough, hiccups, hemorrhoids, stomach bloating, enteritis, dysentery, diabetes, embolism, fruit dip Tire and vomiting effect, with the core of carbon powder can cure traumatic bleeding, lower extremity ulcers. Lotus leaf tannins and folic acid content is not low, in the diet with heat, diuretic, cooling blood, swelling and other effects, to help improve the high blood pressure. In particular, folic acid, although most vegetables are rich in folic acid, but high-heat cooking is destroyed, but the lotus mist is a raw food, it is an ideal food supplement folic acid. Lotus calorie has low calorie content, which can satisfy the appetite, crispness and sweetness without having to worry about weight gain. It has become one of the most popular weight-loss fruits. Poor appetite, eat some lotus mist 30 minutes before meals, can appetite to promote appetite. If people are prone to indigestion, they need to eat salt to eat, which can significantly change the situation.

2. Freshness preservation technology of lotus fog

2.1 Harvesting and packaging of lotus mist

2.11 Harvesting

Lotus mist is generally used for fresh food, so it must be fully ripened and the inherent color of the variety must be exhibited. Early harvest, poor flavor, poor quality; but too ripe and cracked fruit, resulting in loss of fruit. As the lotus leaf skin is extremely thin, it is easy to scratch, bruise, and crush, and special emphasis should be placed on light and light transport and light transport, rational packing, and injury reduction. Due to the long flowering period and the long harvest period, it should be harvested every 2-3 times. Wear gloves when harvesting. Picking by hand directly from the low point, it is advisable to take a ladder at a high elevation. The bottom layer and edge layer of the collection container (plastic bucket or bamboo basket) should be filled with plastic foam or linen bags. Carefully transport the packaging after harvest to avoid bruising or crushing.

2.12 Packaging Process

Post-harvest classification should be based on variety, size, color, to avoid the mix of good and bad, in order to increase product levels and value. According to the packaging container: large box packaging: 53 cm long, 28 cm wide, 31.5 cm high carton installed 3-4 layers, each with a bulk density of 24 kg, too heavy and easily crush the fruit. There should be some shredded layers in the box. The top of the fruit and the fruit pedicle should be arranged in an orderly manner, with newspapers or paper septa between the layers, and the production date and grade should be marked outside the box. Small box packaging: specially for consumers to buy boxes, easy to carry, each box of 2.5-3 kg, loaded with 24-28 fruit of black pearl, or 15 pieces of black diamond fruit. A box of 3 to 5 boxes is provided for easy transportation.

2.2 Pre-storage treatment of lotus mist

Because of the high water content of lotus mist and Sakura fruit, the skin is extremely thin and intolerant to storage. Normally, it can only be stored for about 1 week at room temperature, so it should be sent to the market immediately after harvesting and packaging. Lotus fog can be refrigerated, but can not be placed directly in the refrigerator, first cover the paper outside the lotus fog, and then put it in a plastic bag and put it into the refrigerator after knotting so that the crispness of the lotus fog will not be reduced.


[1] Lin Changhua. Fruit emperor - lotus fog [J]. Food and Life, 2006-09.

[2] Yang Rongping, Chen Xian, Zhang Hongcheng, Jing Hui, Hu Xiaoxue, Li Wenxiang et al. Research progress of lotus mist[J]. Chinese Fruits and Vegetables, 2009,01.

[3] Xiao Chunfen. High-quality tropical fruit [J]. South China Fruit, 2003 01.

[4] Wang Xiaohong. Nutritional Analysis of Lotus Mist[J]. Chinese Food and Nutrition, 2006,04.

[5] Zhu Ping, Liang Dawei et al. Research on production technology of lotus mist wine [J]. Jiangxi Food Industry, 2011, 04.

[6] Liu Rongguang, 2006. Practical cultivation techniques for small subtropical fruit trees in South Asia. Beijing, China Agriculture Press.

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