Liyuan management after harvest should be strengthened

After a summer of nutrient consumption, the pear tree has gradually weakened. After harvesting the fruit, the fruit tree enters a period of complete nutrition accumulation. In order to enhance the tree vigor and prevent pears from causing early defoliation and secondary flowering due to pests and diseases, management should be strengthened immediately after fruit harvesting. The specific approach is as follows:

First, fertilizer and water management

1. Early base fertilizer. Pear fruit consumes a large amount of nutrients during the growth period, and it is urgent to add nutrients after harvesting fruit to restore the tree vigor. At the same time, the September-November roots of pear trees entered the second peak of growth. Fertilization at this time is not only conducive to the rapid decomposition of fertilizers, but also conducive to the absorption and storage of nutrients by new roots. Fertilization should be dominated by organic fertilizers, appropriate amounts of nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium fertilizers should be added, and the amount of fertilizer should be determined in combination with tree vigor and the amount of results. This time, the amount of base fertilizer should account for 40% of the annual fertilization amount. Generally, 1500-3000 kilograms of manure, human waste, livestock scraps or decomposed wheat bran, wheat straw, weeds and other organic fertilizers are applied per acre, and 40-50 kg of NPK fertilizer is mixed. Method: Trench digging about 1 meter away from the trunk, the tree can be near a little; fertilization ditch depth of about 40 cm, width of about 30 cm, shallow depth. After fertilization, mix well with backfilled soil to avoid heat accumulation due to fertilizer accumulation.

2. Top dressing. At the beginning of September, the pear orchard will be top-dressed once again, and 0.1%-0.3% urea plus 0.3%-0.5% potassium dihydrogen phosphate mixture can be sprayed. After the dew has dried in the morning and evening, the leaves will be sprayed to make it uniform. , avoid high temperature spraying at noon, so as not to cause harm.

Second, pest and disease prevention

The diseases and pests that occur after fruit harvesting include: scab, black spot, ring spines, red spider, pear borer, tent caterpillar, pear cinerea, etc. 80% of M-45 80% methyl or 20% methyl can be used. Topirax 1000 times plus 4.5% beta-cypermethrin 2000 times for prevention and treatment, if a serious orchard of apes can be added 15% of the broom net 2000 times liquid spray. Since the field climate in autumn is suitable for the occurrence of pests and diseases, the frequency of drug use should be increased. According to the degree of damage caused by pests and diseases, drugs should be administered once every 20 days to effectively control the hazards.

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