Researchers have discovered a protein that promotes lipolysis

Researchers have discovered a protein that promotes lipolysis

September 02, 2016 Source: Bio Valley

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Researchers at the University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center found that a protein is usually located on the surface of lipid droplets in cells, especially in endurance athletes with large numbers of muscles, which promotes more effective and healthy fat breakdown.

The findings may have a major impact on new methods of treating obesity and type 2 diabetes, Dr. Perry Bickel said.

According to the American Diabetes Association, more than 29 million Americans currently have diabetes, and diabetes is the seventh leading cause of death in the United States. Almost 26% of Americans over the age of 65 have diabetes.

Studies have shown that the new role of protein Perilipin 5 regulates fat metabolism in the nucleus. The discovery in the nucleus is "a surprise for us," Dr. Bickel said.

In obese people and rodents, excess fat accumulates in tissues rather than in fat stores such as skeletal muscle, heart and liver. This accumulation can lead to dysfunction in the organization, Dr. Bickel said.

Trying to break down a lot of fat can overload the body's metabolic system, covering small cell mitochondria to convert fat into calories, he explained. “If the plant is operating with an overloaded fuel, it is likely to “strike”.”

The last part of the cell's remaining fat can be toxic to mitochondria and lead to insulin resistance in type 2 diabetes, he said.

Endurance athletes accumulate as much fat as possible in muscle cells. They are insulin-resistant and are found to contain higher levels of Perilipin 5 protein. The team's new findings explain why such athletes can use stored fat. Increases the amount of exercise for calories while avoiding the increased toxicity of muscle fat.

The team found that cells and mice were cultured in the experiment. When the cells were stimulated, they released the fat stored in the fat droplets. Perilipin 5 could leave the surface of these droplets and move to the nucleus. It was shared with another protein, PGC-1α. Collaboration drives the creation of more and more efficient mitochondria. This way Perilipin 5 helps match the ability of mitochondria to burn fat with the ability of cells to load fat. Dr. Bickel said.

Laboratory findings may eventually lead to a new approach to treating diabetes and obesity-related diseases—perhaps a new drug that can emulate Perilipin 5 or an aspect of its function, he said.

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