Fluorescence Immunochromatography Instrument Fluorescent Immunochromatographic Strip ,Trends In Fluorescence Immunochromatography,Labsim Fluorescent Immunoanalyzer Afs-1000,Principle Of Fluorescence Immunochromatography Guangdong Hecin Scientific, Inc. , https://www.hecinscientific.com , for injection analysis.
This method file is copied to C:\TraceFinderData\32\InstrumentMethods.
In C:\TraceFinderData\32\Methods, the method can be opened directly in the TraceFinder software. This method includes data processing methods and injection methods.
PM2.5's overall solution and method package introduction
PM2.5's overall solution and method package introduction
Thermo Fisher Scientific Triple Quadrupole Qualitative
First, the method package
The method package is a simple instrumental application process for the customer's needs by the application department of Thermo Fisher Scientific and Mass Spectrometry. The compounds involved in the method package are common compounds that can be detected on GC/MS, such as pesticide residues. Cycloaliphatic hydrocarbons, polychlorinated biphenyls, polybrominated biphenyls, polybrominated diphenyl ethers, phthalates, and the like. The role of the method package is to enable customers to use the instrument faster and easier, and get started as soon as possible.
The method package includes injection method, data processing method (TraceFinder method folder), related application articles, related standards, column information, pre-processing methods, data files, etc. The customer can directly call the injection method and data processing method to complete the compound. Qualitative and quantitative analysis.
Since the TSQ 8000 Evo uses the T-SRM injection method instead of the time-sharing method, the original injection method can be called directly, even if there is a slight deviation in retention time, it will not affect the final result. In addition, the database that comes with TraceFinder software can directly edit the data processing method. The database includes the name of the compound, ion pair, collision energy, quantitative ion, qualitative ion, CAS number and other information. At the same time, TraceFinder software can automatically correlate the method files that generate TSQ 8000 Evo according to the data processing method. This way, TraceFinder can be used to directly generate data processing methods and partial injection methods. The entire process is automated, requiring little operator input of any operational information.
Method package (Method Kit)
For commonly used analytical compounds, we can provide a method package. Including: phthalate, PCB, PAH, PBDE, pesticide residue screening, GB2763, pesticide residues in tobacco, PM2.5, Hong Kong regulatory program, nitrosamines, dioxins, etc. Purpose: Easy to use, direct use.
two. Instrument introduction
TSQ 8000 Evo triple quadrupole series gas mass spectrometer
With a consistent lead in gas chromatography triple quadrupole mass spectrometry, Thermo Fisher Scientific has reinvented the TSQ 8000 after the introduction of the TSQ 8000 Evo, a highly efficient GC/MS. /MS delivers never-ending productivity with exceptional sensitivity, ultra-fast scanning speeds, and simple MSMS capabilities to meet the most demanding quantitative analysis requirements, providing the foundation for food safety, environmental analysis, forensic and pharmaceutical applications.
Main features of TSQ 8000 Evo:
* AutoSRM function automatically optimizes secondary ion pair information;
* Timed Retention Time SRM Function (T-SRM) and Timed Retention Time SIM Function (T-SIM) make high-throughput detection possible, and the optimization method sets parameters without assigning time periods;
* The latest TraceFinder software, providing the latest technology platform, user-friendly chromatographic analysis software, can directly call the database information to automatically establish data processing methods and injection methods;
* Up to 800 MRM/s scan speed, no loss of sensitivity even under extreme high-speed scanning conditions;
* Method bridge can quickly convert other instruments or other companies' mass spectrometry methods;
* Replace the entire ion source without any vacuum in the mass spectrometer, saving regular system maintenance time and simplifying operation;
* Double filament design, and the filament is on the same side;
* The dual source heating zone on the ion source effectively removes the contamination of the ion source by the substrate and saves maintenance time;
* Curved pre-quadpoles effectively remove neutral noise, reduce background and increase sensitivity.
three. Compound introduction
PM2.5 refers to particles with a diameter of 2.5 microns or less, which is one of the "culprits" of the ash weather. It has a long residence time in the atmosphere, a long transport distance, and a strong penetrating ability, which can penetrate into the human respiratory organs without hindrance. These particles contain not only general minerals but also toxic and harmful substances such as polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, heavy metals, sulfates and nitrates represented by benzopyrene.
four. Related regulations and policies
• China: In February 2012, the Ministry of Environmental Protection of China issued the “Environmental Air Quality Standards†(GB3095-2012), in which the concentration limit of PM2.5 was added, that is, the annual average concentration limit was 35 μg/m3 or more. The 24-hour average concentration limit is greater than or equal to 75 μg/m3, which will be implemented on January 1, 2016. In particular, it is proposed that in the increased PM2.5 value monitoring standard, the daily average limit of benzo(a)pyrene is limited to 0.0025 μg/m3. In addition, in 2013, China also promulgated HJ646-2013 "Determination of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons in Gases and Exhaust Gases and Particulates by Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry" for the detection of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in the atmosphere.
• United States: In the United States, research on the effects of PM2.5 fine particulates on human health began in the 1990s. The US Environmental Protection Agency released the PM2.5 standard for the first time in 1997. Subsequently, in 2006 and 2012, the United States further revised the air quality standard and imposed stricter requirements on PM2.5. The concentration of 24 hours was 12 μg. At /m3, the air quality is excellent.
• Japan: In 2003, Tokyo introduced the first legislation in Japan's history for floating particulate matter. At present, Tokyo's emission standards for PM2.5 are the most stringent in Asia, and it requires no more than 35 micrograms per cubic meter per day.
• EU: In 2005, the EU's decree on the restriction of PM10 came into effect; in 2010, the monitoring standard for PM2.5 came into effect. At present, the EU's air quality standard is PM2.5 with an average annual concentration of 25 μg/m3, which was mandatory on January 1, 2015.
Fives. Sample preparation
The sample was collected for 24 h at a sample collection rate of 100 L/min. Take a sample quartz filter, carefully roll it into a loop with a tweezers, place it in an extraction cell (10 mL) with a cellulose membrane on the bottom layer, add an appropriate amount of diatomaceous earth, and extract according to the following accelerated solvent extraction (ASE) conditions. After the extraction, the extract was concentrated by nitrogen to near dryness, and the volume was adjusted to 1 mL by adding n-hexane, and analyzed by direct GC-MS/MS.
Sample preparation can also be carried out by referring to the pretreatment method of HJ646-2013 "Determination of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons in Gas and Exhaust Gases and Particulate Matter".
six. Instruments and equipment
Instrument: Thermo ScientificTM Gas Chromatography Triple Quadrupole Tandem Mass Spectrometer TSQ 8000 Evo.
Equipment: Thermo ScientificTM DionexTM ASETM 350 accelerated solvent extraction with 10 mL stainless steel extraction cell (P/N 068087), 60 mL collection bottle (P/N 048784) Thermo ScientificTM Reacti-Therm nitrogen blower (PN: 1003290002-00).
Reagents: n-hexane (agricultural residue grade); Thermo ScientificTM diatomaceous earth (1 kg) (P/N 062819); Thermo ScientificTM cellulose membrane (27 mm) (P/N 068093).
Column: TG-5 MS (30 m*0.25 mm*0.25 μm) capillary column (Thermo ScientificTM). The C10 retention time is 17.26 min.
Seven. Method package use
1. Injection method use: directly use the file ending in meth in the method package
Different instrument configurations may vary slightly. You can refer to the screenshot below. The first time you use this method, you can set the Time Window in the MS method to 4 – 5 min. After determining the retention time of each compound, change the Time Window to 1 – 2 min.
2. Will
3. Data processing method creation: copy the folder in the method package
Select the PM2.5 of the drop-down menu in the Instrument method to save the Master Method.
Associate the data file completed in step 1 with the TraceFinder method to get the complete data processing method. The whole process does not need to input compound information, ion pair information, select ion pair information to find compounds, all steps are automatically completed, one point can be, greatly improving the analysis efficiency and simplifying the method flow.
Eight, application articles
Accelerated Solvent Extraction - Determination of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons and Polychlorinated Biphenyls in PM2.5 by Triple Quadrupole Mass Spectrometry