Peach Fertilization principle (1) Strengthen the application rate of organic fertilizers, rationally regulate the application level of NPK fertilizers according to soil fertility, early, late maturing varieties and yield levels, and pay attention to the combined application of calcium, magnesium, boron and zinc or iron fertilizer. (2) There should be differences in the spring topdressing period of different varieties. The early maturing varieties are earlier than the late maturing varieties, and the autumn fertilization should be strengthened. The number of spring topdressing is less than that of late maturing varieties. (3) Combined with high-quality cultivation techniques, plain areas that are prone to stagnation in summer should pay attention to combining ridge, film or orchard grass technology; arid areas advocate the use of surface covering and hole storage and fertilizer technology. 2. Fertilization advice (1) Early-maturing varieties, or soil fertile, or small-age or tree-strength orchards, apply 1-2 square meters per mu of organic fertilizer; late-maturing varieties, thin soils, large trees, weak trees, orchards, organic fertilizers 2-4 Square/mu. (2) Taoyuan with a production level of 1500 kg/mu: nitrogen fertilizer (N) 8-10 kg/mu, phosphate fertilizer (P2O5) 5-8 kg/mu, potash fertilizer (K2O) 10-13 kg/mu; production level 2000 kg/ Mu of peach orchard: nitrogen fertilizer (N) 13-16 kg / mu, phosphate fertilizer (P2O5) 7-10 kg / mu, potash fertilizer (K2O) 15-18 kg / mu; production level 3000 kg / mu of Taoyuan: nitrogen fertilizer (N) 16-18 kg N/mu, phosphate fertilizer (P2O5) 10-12 kg/mu, potash fertilizer (K2O) 18-21 kg/mu. (3) All organic fertilizers are best applied in autumn, and those that are not applied in autumn are applied early in the spring after thawing, using ditch or digging method; 50% phosphate fertilizer and 30% potassium fertilizer and 50% nitrogen fertilizer Together with the organic fertilizer base. The early-maturing varieties can be topdressed before the germination of peach trees (early March), and the fruit is divided into two times before the fruit is swollen. The first application of NPK combined with the second time is based on potassium fertilizer combined with nitrogen and phosphorus fertilizer; the late-maturing variety can be before germination. During the physiological differentiation period of flower buds (from late May to late June), the fruit was topdressed three times before the fruit was swollen rapidly. Before the germination, the topdressing fertilizer was mainly composed of nitrogen fertilizer and phosphorus and potassium fertilizer. The latter two fertilizers were mainly potassium fertilizer combined with nitrogen and phosphorus fertilizer. (4) In 2015, the peach fruit set rate is too high. The root dressing should be strengthened this year. Before the germination, 2-3 times of 1%-3% urea can be sprayed. After germination, before 7 mid-July, every 7 days. Once, it was sprayed at a ratio of 2 times urea to 1 time potassium dihydrogen phosphate at a concentration of 0.3% to 0.5%. (Source: Ministry of Agriculture) This article URL: The latest peach tree planting technology 2016 spring peach planting scientific fertilization technical guidance
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Latest Peach Tree Planting Technology Spring 2016 Peach Tree Planting Science Fertilization Technology Guidance