Abstract: Objective: To investigate whether there is a certain correlation between muscle oxygen saturation and general endurance. Methods: 9 volleyball players, 6 handball players, 3 rugby players and 8 football players were selected. Firstly, the subject's muscle oxygen saturation 100% and 0% values ​​were measured, followed by exercise aerobics. In the ability test, the changes of exhalation components and lateral muscle oxygen saturation were continuously monitored in real time through the exercise cardiopulmonary function test system and the tissue oxygen wireless monitoring system. The relevant parameters of aerobic capacity and related parameters of muscle oxygen saturation were collected, and then the correlation analysis was performed. RESULTS: During the incremental run, as the speed increased, the lateral muscle oxygen saturation of the subject gradually decreased and reached a minimum value, and then did not decrease with the increase of speed. The lowest value of muscle oxygen saturation during the blockade of blood flow was significantly lower than the lowest value of muscle oxygen saturation during the incremental run. Subject's muscle oxygen saturation 0% value (0% rSO 2 ), muscle oxygen saturation 100% value and 0% value difference (100% rSO 2 -0% rSO 2 ) and rate of change (100% rSO There is a clear correlation between 2 -0%rSO 2 )/100% rSO 2 and aerobic capacity indicators. Conclusion: The 0% value of muscle oxygen saturation is significantly lower than the lowest value of muscle oxygen saturation during the process of increasing to exhaustion, further indicating that the 0% value of muscle oxygen saturation obtained by blocking blood flow and movement is closer to theoretically. The lowest value; the lower the value of muscle oxygen saturation 0%, the better its aerobic capacity, the muscle oxygen saturation can be used to reflect the body's aerobic capacity; the body's aerobic capacity is highly determined. Good and poor muscle endurance. Moxy near-infrared light wireless muscle oxygen test system Relevance between muscle oxygen saturation and systemic endurance CAI Qian - xin 1 , WEI Wen - zhe 2 , ZHAO Zhi - guang 2 , HUO He - wei 3 (1. School of PE , Soochow University, Suzh 100075, China; 3. Maochen Primary School of Xiyangdian Town, Zhumadian 463404, Henan, China) Abstract: Objective: To investigate whether there is a certain correlation between muscleoxygen saturation and body endurance Methods:. Select 9 volleyball players, 6 handballathletes, 3 football players, 8 football players for the study Muscle oxygen saturation value of100% and 0% of. The subjects were measured, and then aerobic capacity was tested. The initial speed treadmill set at 9 km/h,then exercise with increased 1 km/h every minute linearincrements velocity until exhaustion,real - time continuously monitoring the changes of thebreath composition and the vastus Lateral muscle oxygen saturation during exercise by cardiopulmonary exercise testing system and tissue oxygen wireless monitoring system. Collect related parameters of aerobic capacity and muscle oxygen saturation parameters, and then both correlation analysis. Results: In the incremental - load process, with the rate increasing,vastus lateralis muscle Oxygen saturation of subjects decreased and reached a minimu Muscle oxygen saturation minimum value during the squat with blocking blood flow was significant lower than the minimum value during ofincremental - load run. There is a significant correlation between muscle oxygen saturationvalue of 0% (0% rSO 2), and the difference between muscle oxygen saturation value of 100% to muscle oxygen saturation value of 0% (100% rSO 2 -0% rSO 2 ) and changes in rate (100% rSO2 - 0% rSO 2 )between the presence /100% rSO 2 and aerobic capacity indicators.Conclusions:Muscle oxygen saturation of 0% was significantly lower than the lowest muscleoxygen during during -load run to exhaustion,which further illustrates thatmuscle oxygen saturation of 0% get closer to the theoretical value of 0% value by the way of blocking blood flow and movement. The smaller the muscle oxygen saturation 0% value, thebetter their aerobic capacity,muscle oxygen saturation can be used to reflect the body' s aerobiccapacity. The level of the body's aerobic capacity depends largely on muscular endurance. Correlation between muscle oxygen saturation and general endurance Overall endurance is determined in two ways, namely muscle endurance and cardio endurance. Cardiopulmonary function is an important physiological basis for aerobic endurance. Good cardiopulmonary function is a guarantee of adequate oxygen supply during exercise. Improvement of cardiopulmonary function plays an important role in the body's aerobic capacity, ie, the improvement of systemic endurance. Muscle endurance is mainly determined by factors such as slow muscle fiber ratio, skeletal muscle capillary density, and mitochondrial number. These factors are related to intramuscular oxygen concentration, and muscle oxygen saturation can reflect the oxygen concentration in the muscle. The author [1] has already explored in the previous period, there is a great correlation between muscle oxygen saturation and muscle endurance. Therefore, this study intends to further explore the relationship between muscle oxygen saturation and systemic endurance, in order to pass the muscle oxygen saturation. Relevant indicators to reflect the level of systemic endurance. 1 Subjects and methods 1. 1 9 volleyball players, 6 handball players, 3 rugby players, 8 football players, and the general situation of the subjects, including age 3. 3 ± 6 years old, height 176. 1 ±5. 6 cm, body weight 68. 4 ± 9. 3 kg, training period 3 ± 2. 4 years, all subjects had no recent muscle damage, and the subjects could not have vigorous exercise before the test. 1. 2 Research methods 1. 2. 1 Selection of the part to be tested Determination of the lateral femoral muscle: keep the subject in a natural standing position, relax the leg, find the position of the lateral femoral condyle and the anterior superior iliac spine according to the anatomical features of the human body, take the lower 1/3 of the two-point line It is the position of the point to be measured. 1. 2. 2 Determination of muscle oxygen saturation After determining the position of the lateral femoral muscle, place the emission hole of the probe of the osmometer to the point to be measured, and make the axis of the probe parallel to the lateral femoral muscle, then put a light-shielding cloth on it, and then use an elastic bandage. The probes are all entangled to prevent light leakage and external light interference (F. Billaut, 2013); tightness should be appropriate to prevent experimentation 1. 2. 3 measurement of muscle oxygen saturation (100% rSO 2 ) In this study, the resting muscle oxygen saturation value was defined as 100% rSO 2 : the test probe of the tissue oxygen wireless monitoring system was attached to the lateral femoral muscle, and the muscle oxygen saturation was measured after being bandaged with a shading bandage. During the process, the subject is kept in a standing position, the center of gravity is not offset, the legs are relaxed, and the 30-second stable value in the quiet state is defined as 100% rSO 2 . 1. 2. 4 Measurement of muscle zero saturation "zero point" value (0% rSO 2 ) In this study, the lowest value of muscle oxygen saturation after blood flow was defined as the “zero point†value of muscle oxygen saturation: a pressure-type hemolytic band was attached to the thigh root, and the subject was slowed after being pressurized to 300 mmHg. The exercise was lifted 15 times without load and the muscle oxygen saturation value after the end of the lift was defined as 0% rSO 2 . 1. 2. 5 exercise aerobic capacity test Test method: After the above test, rest for 5 minutes until the value of muscle oxygen saturation is restored to a quiet state, and then exercise aerobic capacity test. The starting speed of the treadmill was set to 9 km/h, and then the linear incremental movement of 1 km/h per minute was performed until exhaustion. In the exercise, the exhalation component was continuously monitored by the exercise cardiopulmonary function test system and the tissue oxygen wireless monitoring system. Changes in the lateral muscle oxygen saturation. Test indicators: the value of lateral muscle oxygen saturation before exercise, the lowest value of muscle oxygen saturation during exercise, the absolute value of anaerobic threshold oxygen uptake (VTVO 2 ), and the relative value of anaerobic threshold oxygen uptake (VTVO 2 / Kg), anaerobic threshold velocity (vVT), absolute maximum oxygen uptake (VO 2 max), relative oxygen uptake relative value (VO 2 max/kg), maximum oxygen uptake rate (vVO 2 max), and exhaustion Speed ​​(vmax). 1. 3 Statistical analysis of data The data used are expressed as mean ± standard deviation, and the data are analyzed and processed in the statistical software of SPSS17.0. 2 Experimental results 2. 1 Change the blood oxygen saturation of the lateral femoral muscle during the process of blocking blood flow At the beginning of the sputum, the muscle oxygen saturation increased transiently, and then the muscle oxygen saturation decreased rapidly with the swell, and the dynamic balance was reached at the time of 9 to 11 squats. The continued muscle oxygen saturation does not change. Table 1 shows the values ​​of the parameters related to the lateral muscle oxygen saturation during the blockage of blood flow. From the table, the lowest value, the decrease range and the decrease rate of the muscle oxygen saturation can be seen. The amplitude is the value of the muscle oxygen saturation in the quiet period minus the lowest value of the muscle oxygen saturation during the blockage of the blood flow, and the decrease rate is divided by the value of the muscle oxygen saturation at rest and multiplied by 100%. Table 1 Blocking the lateral oxygen saturation of the lateral femoral muscle during the blood flow Changes in related parameters (n = 29) 2. 2 Changes in muscle oxygen saturation during pressurization and incremental running Figure 1 is a graph showing the changes in muscle oxygen saturation of a subject during a separate state of breath, during a pressurization, and during an incremental running exercise. At the beginning of the incremental exercise, the muscle oxygen saturation first appeared in a tens of seconds, and then began to decline rapidly. After a few minutes, the muscle oxygen saturation still decreased, but the decline began to slow down, while the exhaustion stage Muscle oxygen saturation values ​​are still above 0% rSO 2 . Table 2 compares the lowest values ​​of muscle oxygen saturation in 14 subjects with 0% rSO 2 and their incremental running. The 0% rSO2 of all subjects was lower than the lowest value of muscle oxygen saturation in the incremental running exercise with significant differences. 2. 3 Relationship between 0% value of muscle oxygen saturation and its parameters and related indicators of increasing aerobic capacity Table 3 is the mean and standard deviation of the index of aerobic capacity of 29 subjects. Aerobic capacity indicators include absolute value of anaerobic threshold oxygen uptake (VTVO 2 ), relative value of anaerobic threshold oxygen uptake (VTVO 2 /kg), anaerobic threshold velocity (vVT), and absolute maximum oxygen uptake (VO2max). The relative oxygen uptake relative value (VO 2 max/kg), the maximum oxygen uptake rate (vVO 2 max), and the exhaustion velocity (vmax). Table 4 shows the correlation coefficients of 29 subjects with 0% rSO 2 , 100% rSO 2 -0% rSO 2 and (100% rSO 2 -0% rSO 2 )/100% rSO 2 and aerobic capacity indicators. It can be seen that all aerobic capacity indicators have a significant correlation with 0% rSO 2 , 100% rSO 2 - 0% rSO 2 and (100% rSO 2 - 0% rSO 2 ) / 100% rSO 2 . However, when the subject narrows down to any of the three sports, there is no such correlation. 3 Analysis and discussion 3. 1 Changes in lateral muscle oxygen saturation during incremental running When the body is quiet, there is a certain oxygen content in the muscle tissue, and the oxygen uptake and oxygen consumption are basically in balance. With the increase of the exercise load and the exercise time, the HbO 2 in the skeletal muscle tissue shows a downward trend. The capacity (BV) also decreases with the decrease of HbO 2 , and the change of Hb is just the opposite, showing an upward trend, especially between different grades of load [2]. When the subjects started to exercise, especially at the beginning of each stage of load, the concentration of HbO 2 decreased significantly, but then gradually stabilized [3]. This is because after the application of exercise load, the oxygen in the muscle tissue is rapidly consumed, and the oxygen transport cannot meet the demand of the body at this time, forming a situation of “not getting enoughâ€, and the percentage of muscle oxygen content is decreased compared with before the load is increased. After the balance of oxygen delivery and consumption, the level of muscle oxygen can remain relatively stable. Therefore, for each additional load, this balance will be broken, and the HbO 2 concentration will begin to decrease until a new equilibrium is produced, so that the trend of muscle oxygen content shows that the concentration of HbO 2 gradually decreases with the increase of load [4 - 5]. When the exercise load increases linearly, the muscle oxygen content changes: when the load is small, the muscle oxygen content decreases slowly. As the load increases, the muscle oxygen content decreases gradually, and as the exercise load increases further, The muscle oxygen content will gradually become gradual, and the incremental load used in this study will increase linearly. The study found that the curve of muscle oxygen saturation after the anaerobic threshold began to deviate from the original descending channel, and the downward trend slowed down. This may be because the energy supply mode is mainly from aerobic energy supply to anaerobic energy supply. The main effect is that the aerobic energy supply is mainly slow muscle fibers. The slow muscle fibers contain abundant capillaries, the mitochondria are large in number and large in volume, and the aerobic oxidase has strong activity, so the ability to utilize oxygen is strong, so the oxygen concentration is high. The decrease is obvious; while the anaerobic energy supply is mainly fast muscle fiber, the capillary density in the fast muscle fiber is low, and the number of mitochondria is small, so the aerobic capacity is low, so the muscle oxygen saturation curve at the anaerobic threshold in increasing exercise There is a clear inflection point, which is consistent with the findings of Romualdo Belardinelli et al. [6-7]. 3. 2 Correlation between muscle oxygen saturation related parameters and general endurance Generalized endurance is determined in two aspects, namely, muscular endurance and cardiorespiratory resistance. 5 Cai Caixin, et al. Correlation between muscle oxygen saturation and general endurance No. 2 2016 force. Cardiopulmonary function is an important physiological basis for aerobic endurance. Good cardiopulmonary function is a guarantee of adequate oxygen supply during exercise. Improvement of cardiopulmonary function plays an important role in the body's aerobic capacity, ie, the improvement of systemic endurance. Muscle endurance refers to the ability of the muscle system to persist for a long time or repeated times under certain internal and external loads. Muscle endurance is closely related to the development of strength levels. The maximum strength of muscle development can effectively promote the improvement of muscle endurance. Muscle endurance is mainly determined by factors such as slow muscle fiber ratio, skeletal muscle capillary density, and mitochondrial number. These factors are related to intramuscular oxygen concentration, and muscle oxygen saturation can reflect the oxygen concentration in the muscle. The author's previous studies have shown that there is a strong correlation between muscle oxygen saturation and muscle endurance, so there may be a certain correlation between muscle oxygen saturation and systemic endurance. From the experimental results of this study, the aerobic metabolic capacity related indicators anaerobic threshold oxygen uptake (VTVO 2 ), anaerobic threshold oxygen uptake relative value (VTVO 2 / kg), anaerobic threshold velocity (vVT) ), absolute maximum oxygen uptake (VO 2 max), relative oxygen uptake relative value (VO 2 max/kg), maximum oxygen uptake rate (vVO 2 max), and exhaustion velocity (vmax) and muscle oxygen saturation The relevant indicators 0% rSO 2 , 100% rSO 2 - 0% rSO 2 and (100% rSO 2 -0% rSO 2 ) / 100% rSO 2 all have significant correlation. That is, the smaller the 0% rSO 2 , the larger the 100% rSO 2 - 0% rSO 2 and (100% rSO 2 -0% rSO 2 )/100% rSO 2 , the stronger the aerobic capacity. According to the study [1], 0% rSO2, 100% rSO 2-0% rSO 2 and (100% rSO 2 - 0% rSO 2 )/100% rSO 2 can reflect the oxygen reserve in the muscle to a certain extent. Therefore, the more oxygen reserves in the muscle, the more oxygen can be used when the muscles contract during exercise, and the body can maximize the utilization of aerobic metabolism, that is, the more muscle oxygen reserves, the stronger the body's aerobic capacity. The better the whole body endurance. Wang Ronghui et al [8] compared several parameters of the athletes and non-athletes in the study of the changes of muscle oxygen content in different intensity sports. It was found that the athletes not only had higher load power than the non-athletes, but also had the peak of muscle oxygen decline and the decrease of muscle oxygen. The degree of muscle oxygen recovery was also larger than that of the non-athlete group, and there was a significant difference, indicating that there was a certain correlation between the parameters of muscle oxygen saturation and aerobic capacity in exercise. In the course of this study, due to insufficient data collection, the correlation between muscle oxygen saturation related parameters and aerobic capacity during exercise was not analyzed. 4 Conclusion 4. 1 Muscle oxygen saturation 0% value is significantly lower than the lowest value of muscle oxygen saturation during the process of increasing to exhaustion, indicating that the 0% value of muscle oxygen saturation obtained by blocking blood flow and movement is closer to theoretically. Lowest value 4. 2 Muscle oxygen saturation 0% The smaller the value, the better its aerobic capacity, and the muscle oxygen saturation can be used to reflect the body's aerobic capacity; 4. 3 The level of aerobic metabolism of the body depends to a large extent on the good and poor muscle endurance. 96 Well PCR Plate, 384 Well PCR Plate, Skirted Plate, Non Skirted PCR Plate, Semi Skirted PCR Plate Ningbo Siny Medical Technology Co., Ltd , https://www.sinymedical.com
Key words: muscle oxygen saturation; body endurance; correlation The probe is shifted, and then the module switch is turned on to monitor the changes in the lateral muscle oxygen saturation, and the data is transmitted to the computer through the wireless transmission device.
Correlation between Muscle Oxygen Saturation and General Endurance