Causes of diarrhea after weaning

The digestive tracts of piglets are not mature until the age of 30 days, and the digestive function is still not perfect. In particular, stomach acid is lower than adult pigs and its bactericidal capacity is poor. Various digestive enzymes in the gastrointestinal tract, including saliva amylase and pepsin, are secreted less than adult pigs. Piglets do not have innate immunity and only receive passive immunity through breast milk. Piglets begin to produce autoimmune antibodies at 3 weeks of age. At this time, the sow’s milk production is reduced. Therefore, the purpose of feeding the feed early is to exercise the digestive tract of the piglets as early as possible. So that the above digestive function as soon as possible to improve, eat as early as possible, as soon as possible to adapt to post-weaning stress. To reduce weaning after weaning.

5-7 days of early induction method:

1. Let the piglets have the affinity of pigs and people who are not afraid of humans, and consciously drive the piglets into the feeding room to spread some feed for tentative contact.

2. Using piglets' feeding habits, big pigs carry piglets, and piglets learn to feed big pigs. Use these features to increase the chance and frequency of feeding for piglets.

3. Forced food intake: When the sow milk is good, the light piglets can feed the piglets, and the piglets are reluctant to feed. For these piglets, they should be coerced. The particles can be transferred into a paste with water and wiped into the mouth of the piglets. 2-3 times daily. Pasty granules can also be applied to the sow nipple before the piglet feeds. The taste of the material is slowly adjusted to the taste of the piglets, so that after 3-4 days of training, the pig learns to eat.

In short, the sooner the pigs get food, the gastrointestinal function has been exercised earlier, which promotes the development of the gastrointestinal tract and the improvement of function. The less diarrhea after weaning. On the contrary, if you eat too late, diarrhea after weaning is inevitable.

Of course, because of the small gastro-intestinal volume of piglets, weaned piglets should be fed less frequently. That is, the number of feeds per day should be more, and each feed should be less. We must also do a good job of hygienic and disinfecting foodstuffs and water bads.

Once diarrhea occurs after weaning, treat as soon as possible. There are many anti-diarrhea drugs on the market, but no matter what drugs are used, oral rehydration salt water is better. Injection site is best injection Houhai. (Below the tail, above the anus.)

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