The damage and control of chestnut pruning weevil

Pruning is a Coleoptera, Coleoptera, distributed in Henan, Shandong, Hebei and other provinces, the main damage chestnut. Before the adult lays eggs, it snaps off the fruiting branches of the first seedlings, which reduces the yield by 15% for light and 30% for the severe ones. After the chestnuts are killed, the yield is greatly affected. 1 morphological characteristics Adult body length 6.5 ~ 8.2mm, body blue black, shiny, dense silver-gray hair. The length of the head and sheath wings is equal. There are 10 lines of vertical grooves on the elytra. Males have spikes on the front side and no females. The ventral surface of the abdomen is silver-gray. The egg is elliptic, milky white at the time of first egg laying and later turned pale yellow; the body of larvae is milky white with crooked wrinkles; milky white. 2 Habits occur one generation per year, and larvae live in the soil for winter. In the next year, we will start phlegm-removing in the following year. In early June, adults will be unearthed, and in the later half of the year, it will be the prime period. Adults are active during the day and often eat tender clams in the lower part of the canopy. At night, they live quietly and have a false death. Select an appropriate fruit branch before spawning, bite off the fruit branch at 2~5cm from the tinea, leaving only a part of the epidermis not to fall, so that the fruit branch hangs upside down, then climb to the chestnut quail, the head tube down, the abdomen tilted, to the chestnut Within a bite-producing slot, the body is turned and the eggs are produced in the trough. The head of the egg is then used to top the egg to the bottom of the trough, blocking the hole with fruit pieces, and finally biting off the connected fruit branch skin. Each female can cut more than 40 fruit branches in one lifetime. After hatching, the larvae feed from the groove to the pedicel along the total eschar layer. Finally, the larvae can eat all the flesh and fill with insect feces. After eating for more than 30 days, the larvae were old and cooked. A hole was bitten on the chestnuts and then they were taken out and drilled into the soil to make room for the winter. 3 Prevention and control measures Plain chestnut or wooded areas in mountainous areas, after thawing in the early spring, plowing the soil, and applying 1.5% of sixty-five powder to eliminate the larvae in the soil. In the middle or early June, methamidophos sprayed 500 to 800 times in the orchard, spraying mainly to the branches of fruit trees to prevent both larvae and other insect pests. During the adult stage, it can use its suspended animation, shake the branches, shake off the adults, and eliminate them collectively. Adults intensify their inspections, timely pick up net fruit branches and fruit pods, burn them centrally, and eradicate eggs and larvae.

Name: Chongqing old pot bottom material

Specifications: 400g

Shelf life: 18 months

Ingredients: butter, vegetable oil, bean paste, pepper, salt, Chicken Seasoning, ginger, garlic, pepper, spices, food additives.

Storage: Store at room temperature, protected from light, and refrigerate after opening the bag.

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