Six Disease Prevention "Partners" on the Dining Table

Anti-stroke - spinach + carrot

The study found that eating certain spinach and carrots every day can significantly reduce the risk of stroke.

Anti-cardiac --- Apple + Onion + Tea

Apple, onion, and tea can protect the heart and reduce the incidence of heart disease, because these foods contain a lot of flavonoids natural chemical antioxidants. The flavonoids in the diet are mainly derived from apples, onions, and tea.

Anti-gastric cancer - folic acid + selenium yeast

Both folic acid and selenium yeast have anti-gastric effects. Green leafy vegetables, fungi, animal liver and kidney are rich in folic acid and selenium, should eat more.

Anti-intestine cancer——grain+vegetable+red wine

The study found that those who like to eat all kinds of grains, fresh vegetables, and moderate consumption of red wine, the incidence of colorectal cancer is 50% lower than the average person. Because red wine contains aspirin, it helps reduce the risk of cancer.

Anti-flu - Vitamin C + Copper

Whether vitamin C can prevent flu or not, the key lies in whether there is enough copper in the human body. Copper ions can accumulate on the surface of the "influenza" virus and provide a "target" for the attack of vitamin C, thus killing the "flu" virus. Copper-rich foods include animal liver, sesame, and beans.

Calcium deficiency - tofu + fish

Fish cooked with tofu can prevent osteoporosis, pediatric rickets and other diseases caused by calcium deficiency. Because tofu contains a lot of calcium, if you only eat tofu, the body's absorption rate of calcium will be very low, but eat together with the fish rich in vitamin D, you can greatly increase the body's absorption and utilization of calcium.

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