Pepper seedbed management

Before the emergence of pepper, the seedbed temperature is maintained at 28 °C ~ 30 °C, higher than 30 °C to shading temperature, less than 16 °C can be covered straw insulation. After emergence, the daytime temperature is maintained at 25°C-27°C and the night temperature is maintained at 16°-20°C. The seedlings were tempered 5 to 7 days before seedling splitting. The temperature was maintained at 20°C to 25°C during the day and 15°C to 18°C ​​at night. Seedlings generally do not have watering, such as soil drought, can be sprinkled in the morning. When the seedlings are equal to two true leaves, they can be combined with weeds to remove the seedlings and remove fine, weak, dense, and connate seedlings. The seedling distance is maintained at 2 to 3 cm. When seedlings grow 3 to 4 true leaves, they should be seeded in time. The seedbeds should be built in a solar greenhouse, and the seedlings are required to be the same as the nursery beds. The spacing between the seedlings is 10 cm and 10 cm. Single seedlings or double seedlings are planted in each hole. When the double seedlings were placed, the spacing between the two seedlings was 2 cm. Immediately after seedling, water, cover soil, and cover plastic film insulation. In the early stage of seedling separation, the temperature is maintained at 25°C-29°C during the day and 15°C-18°C at night. 5 to 7 days before planting to reduce the temperature to exercise the seedlings, the day temperature is maintained at 20 °C ~ 25 °C, the night temperature is maintained at 14 °C ~ 16 °C. 7 to 10 days before planting, the seedbed was irrigated, and after the water was infiltrated, a long knife was used to cut the seedlings between the plants and the rows, and the depth of the soil was 10 cm to make the seedlings in the middle of the clods. No longer watering after cutting (if the soil is too dry, it can cover fine soil), so that the soil block will be hardened to facilitate the erection of the soil with the soil picking. Before planting, the seedbed should be sprayed to prevent pests and diseases.

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