Recently, according to foreign media reports, IBM and X Prize Foundation jointly announced at TED2016 that they will jointly launch a global artificial intelligence competition with a total prize of 5 million US dollars. This competition is called IBM Watson Artificial Intelligence XPRIZE: Cognitive Computing Competition." It is reported that this artificial intelligence competition is not like the challenge set in the previous X Prize competition. This time, the contestants will take the initiative to choose their own major challenges and design their solutions. The only limitation is that they must be in artificial intelligence - human In the area of ​​synergy, the IBM Watson AI XPRIZE will be a long-term competition that will end in 2020. The climax of the competition was the top three teams performing best on the TED2020 against the judges and online audiences. The judges' selection criteria will be based on the criteria set by these teams in their plans, as well as the performance and scalability of their AI applications, with the greatest weight being the potential for these solutions to have an exponential impact. . The top three teams selected by the jury of independent judges will receive 3 million, 1 million and 500,000 US dollars respectively, and the final winners will be decided according to the voting results of the TED2020 live audience and online audience. In the previous rounds, the judges will also award a special achievement award and a milestone award totaling $500,000. The application deadline is December this year, and the detailed project plan has come out in March. Stephen Wat Gold, vice president of IBM Watson, said: "Cognitive solutions can understand the world's data, purposeful reasoning, large-scale learning, and natural interaction with humans are shortcuts to solving some of the biggest social challenges. IBM Watson Labor Smart XPRIZE will inspire innovation and inspire global developers, entrepreneurs and organizations to expand the boundaries of human-computer collaboration and continue to innovate in the health care arena for our better lives." Hearing protection refers to devices used
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IBM Watson teamed up with XPRIZE to set up an artificial intelligence fund project with a prize of $5 million