The dwarf planting and dense planting of Citron is aimed at the production of axillary buds and requires early picking and high yield. Frozen Fish,Frozen Bonito Tuna,Frozen Mackerel Fish,Fresh Frozen Mackerel Fish ZHEJIANG RETRONX FOODSTUFF INDUSTRY CO.,LTD ,
1. The selection of land and land preparation requires a flat land, abundant water resources, deep soil, loose soil, moist fertility, and good drainage. Before planting, the land must be deeply turned and leveled and drainage and irrigation channels must be repaired. Each 667m2 of cooked organic fertilizer 5000-7000kg improved soil. In soil-clad or over-sanded plots, the planting hole can be filled with soil with better texture or mixed with river sand and slag.
2. Planting and planting time can be divided into autumn and spring planting. Autumn plants can be planted from autumn leaves to soil before freezing. After the autumn planting, there is a period of time before the winter, and the late spring sprouts early and grows fast. Spring planting should be carried out before the germination period.
The density of colonization should be based on local climate and soil quality. Light is good, soil fertilizer, should be dense; vice versa. The density is too low and the yield is low; the density is too large, which affects the ventilation and light transmission, and also reduces the output. General spacing is 40cm50cm, 3,000 per 667 square meters is appropriate.
When planting, the roots of the seedlings are naturally distributed, filled with soil, and immediately poured with water. The depth of planting is appropriate to the depth of the original seedlings. After the water is soaked, the roots of the seedlings are covered with a hillock to protect the drought.
3. Before seedling planting, seedlings need to be plasticized in the nursery. If the seedlings have not undergone dwarf plastic surgery, they should be flattened after transplanting, that is, they should be cut from 15-20cm from the seedlings to promote the germination of 2-3 lateral branches in the lower part, and they should be used as primary lateral branches. When the first lateral branch grows to more than 30cm, the tip of the lateral branch is removed and the branch of 5-10cm is retained, which promotes the germination of the secondary lateral branch.
4. Dwarf treatments often take measures to suppress high growth, promote dwarfing, and produce multiple branches to increase yield and facilitate picking. Commonly used measures are topping or short-cutting, flat boring, chemical treatment, root cutting, girdling and so on. For example, the method of picking up or cutting is during the period of plant growth, from June to early July, the one-year-old shoots are topping or short-cut, leaving 15-25cm dry, about 2-5 lateral branches found after 20 days, and 10-15cm growing in the autumn. Sufficient short branches, late spring can receive taro buds. For overgrown plants or shoots, it can be picked up again in mid-July. After topping or short-cutting, the tree shoots can be increased by 2-2.5 times and the yield by 1.5-2 times.
5. Soil Management After the dense planting and cultivation of Toona sinensis, the underground roots are dense, and the man-made management is frequent, the soil is solid, and general loose soil cultivating is difficult to play a role. Therefore, the deep planer should be carried out every year. The deep planer should be carried out after dormancy in autumn leaves, 15-20cm deep, and apply 3000-5000kg organic fertilizer per 667m2.
6. Fertilizer management Seedlings are planted and poured with water for 1 time. After 20-30 days, they are poured again. The remaining half months are watered for 1 time to keep the soil dry and wet. Every time after watering or raining, it is necessary to cultivating weeds in time to prevent accumulation of water. During April-May and July, topdressing 1 time, each time can apply 10-20kg/667 square meters of urea, or 1000-1500kg/667 square meters of human waste. After August, topdressing nitrogen fertilizer and controlling watering. In September, superphosphate (50-60kg/667 square meters) can be applied once again to promote lignification of seedlings and enhance cold resistance.
Mature trees cover the mulch around the roots in late February of each year to increase the temperature of the soil, and they can germinate 10-15 days earlier. Before the germination, they are poured once to promote early germination. Fertilizer, urea 25-30 kg/667 square meters, or human excrement 5000-7000 kg/667 square meters before the first harvest 3-5d chase 1 fertilizer, the shoot length can reach about 30cm, can be top dressing fertilizer 2 - 3 times, spray 0.2% -0.3% urea solution. From June to July, the citron was harvested by a large number of axillary buds, and the nutrient consumption was very high. The fertilizer should be applied 2-3 times, and the compound fertilizer should be 20-25kg per 667m2. After falling leaves, combine with deep planer and then apply organic fertilizer to make base fertilizer.
7. Picking buds After harvesting the citron, planting can be started in the second year. In the first 1-3 years, only harvested once a year, picking the top buds, triggering lateral branches, and cultivating the canopy. After 3 years, the trunk has been shaped and can be picked 2-3 times a year. The top buds and lateral buds can be harvested. The better-managed citron garden is harvested once every 20 days or so, and can be harvested 6-10 times in one year. When picking, use scissors, high branches, etc. to cut them. Do not pull the hard files by hand so as not to damage the branches.
Dwarf cultivation