Circled duck breeding management technology

In recent years, ducks have adopted captive breeding methods in many places. After the brooding is over, young ducklings are still housed in fixed duck houses and ponds and no grazing is allowed.
First, the advantages of captive
1. Environmental conditions can be controlled, and fewer factors are constrained by natural conditions, which is conducive to scientific duck raising and stable yield and high yield.
2, save labor, improve labor productivity. With grazing and feeding, a single worker can manage only a few ducks, and the labor intensity is high. With captive breeding methods, one person can manage 1,000 ducks, the labor efficiency is greatly improved, and the labor intensity is also greatly reduced, and women and the elderly can afford it.
3, reduce the incidence of infectious diseases, reduce accidents such as poisoning. Ducklings are less likely to be exposed to the outside world, resulting in fewer opportunities for pesticide poisoning and infectious diseases than grazing ducks, thereby increasing the survival rate.
Second, the grouping and density of captive ducks The scale of young ducks may vary, but the number of each duck group should not be too large, with 500 or so is appropriate. When grouping, make sure to have the same age, the same size, the same variety, and the same gender.
The rearing density varies with the age, season, and climate of the duck. Generally, the following criteria can be used: 4 weeks old - 10 weeks old, 12 - 20 per square meter; 11 weeks - 20 weeks old, 8 per square meter Only -12 only. In winter, the temperature is low, and a few more can be properly cultivated per square meter. In summer, the temperature is high and few can be raised per square meter. Ducks grow faster when they grow faster, and ducks grow more slowly when they grow slowly.
Third, the captive duck's feed enclosure is completely different from grazing. The ducks basically do not feed on wild feed and rely entirely on artificial feeding. Therefore, all kinds of nutrients needed during the growth period of young ducks, especially the nutrition needed for long bones and feathers, must be satisfied. Feeds should be as diverse as possible to maintain energy and protein balance.
For young ducks during the incubation period, the protein level in the diet should not be too high, and the calcium content should be reasonable.
Due to the fact that no perfect feeding standards have been established for ducks, in practice, it is necessary to treat (depending on the specific nutrients necessary for the growth and development of ducks). Such as egg-type breed Shao duck, the normal opening age is 130 days -150 days, the standard opening weight is 1400 grams -1500 grams, if the weight exceeds 1500 grams will affect its timely production, should limit feeding, appropriate Feed more green feed and roughage. For poorly-developed and light-weight ducks, the feed quality should be properly improved. The average daily feed amount per day can be controlled at about 150 grams, plus a small amount of animal fresh feed to promote growth.
The best feed for young ducks is to use mixed feeds instead of single raw grains such as corn, corn, wheat, etc., and they should be crushed and processed into mixed powders. Add appropriate amount of fresh water before feeding and mix them into wet materials to feed. Feed only 3 times - 4 times a day. The interval between feedings should be as equal as possible to avoid starvation during feeding.
Fourth, the management of young ducks
1, properly strengthen the exercise, promote the development of bones and muscles, prevent excessive fat. Every day, the ducks are circulated around the house for 5 minutes to 10 minutes each time, 2 times - 4 times a day. If there are suitable grazing lands near the ducks, regular grazing activities can be conducted at short distances.
2, more contact with the ducks, improve the guts of ducks, to prevent surprise group. The ducklings of young ducks are small, and ducks and ducks are particularly sensitive. In the youth, it is necessary to make use of feeding, water feeding, grass exchange, etc., and more contact with ducks. When a duck eats food, people can stand next to it to observe the feeding situation and allow the ducks to walk around. They can also often touch with their hands, and they will be trained consciously over time to improve their guts.
3, Shewan overnight lighting, low light lighting. Young ducks should not use strong light during the cultivation period. The standard daily light time is fixed at 8 hours to 10 hours. It should not be increased before the start of production. In order to facilitate the ducks to drink water at night, to prevent surprises caused by the movement of mice or birds and beasts, the house should be illuminated by low-light lighting. For example, a 30-square-meter duck house can illuminate a 15-watt light. When a power failure occurs, the kerosene lamp with a glass cover should be immediately placed. No delay is allowed. The ducklings that have been exposed to low light for a long time have encountered a sudden dark environment and have caused severe panic attacks and caused heavy casualties.
4. Strengthen the prevention of infectious diseases. The major infectious diseases of young ducks are duck plague and duck cholera. Both of these diseases are now protected by epidemic (bacteria) seedlings. The specific arrangements for immunization procedures are: 60-day-70-day-old injections of avian cholera vaccine; 100-day-old injection of avian cholera vaccine. 70 days of age - 80 days of injection once duck plague vaccine. For ducks raised for only one year, they should be injected once; ducks with more than two years of use should be injected once every other year.
The vaccination of these two infectious diseases must be completed before the start of production. After entering the peak of production, ducks should be avoided as far as possible so as not to affect the production of eggs.
5. Establish a stable system of work and rest. The living environment of the captive ducks is more stable than that of the grazing ducks. It is necessary to formulate operating rules according to the timing of the ducks' habits. After the formation of the daily routine, it will remain stable and not change frequently.