Development and production technology of environmentally friendly feed

Livestock husbandry is the basic industry for human survival and development, but the pollution caused by animal husbandry to the environment can not be ignored, which has attracted the attention of all countries in the world. Many developed countries have formulated standards for the discharge of pollutants from livestock and poultry husbandry. China has also formulated and implemented the "Standard for Pollutant Discharge in Livestock and Poultry Farming Industry" on January 1, 2003.
Feed is both a source of nutrients for livestock and poultry and a major source of pollution in the livestock and poultry industry. The development and promotion of environmentally friendly feed is an effective way to solve the livestock and poultry industry pollution. The Netherlands, Denmark, Japan and other countries took the lead in carrying out this work. Since Yang Sheng (1995) proposed the concept of ecological nutrition in China, many experts have conducted a series of explorations on the development of environmentally friendly feed. The term “environmentally friendly feed” refers to the general term for feeds that do not cause pollution to livestock products and reduce the pollution of livestock and poultry manure to the environment. It requires comprehensive consideration of “how to change or control the entire process from rations to excrement of excreta waste from livestock and poultry. “A series of parts that may occur”, from the purchase of feed ingredients and additives, feed formulation design, feed processing, and processing technology, to strict quality control and full implementation of regulation of livestock and poultry nutrition systems to maximize the production of livestock and poultry The performance will minimize the environmental pollution brought about by animal husbandry production and realize the sustainable development of animal husbandry.
1 After selecting high-quality raw feed for feeds to be taken into the body by livestock and poultry, various nutrients cannot be completely digested and absorbed, and the components that have not been digested and absorbed are excreted in the faeces. The higher the digestibility of the components of livestock and poultry, the smaller the content of excrement and the lower the environmental pollution. Therefore, high-quality feed ingredients are the prerequisite and basis for the preparation of environmentally-friendly feeds, requiring no poison, no pollution, rich and balanced nutrient content, and high digestibility. For example, plutonium with 7 times higher protein content and 4.7 times higher yield than wheat, 88% higher lysine Corn (Zhongdan 206 and Zhongdan 201) and high methionine lupin have been commercialized. . After peeling the pods, the main Nutritional indicators and digestibility are higher than those of the skin pods (Xiong Yiqiang, 1998), and it is an ideal raw material for high-grade environment-friendly feed.
On the other hand, with the increasing shortage of corn, soybean meal and fishmeal, many unconventional feed ingredients such as wheat, cottonseed meal, rapeseed meal, feather meal, bone meal and blood meal have been commonly used in livestock and poultry diets. The amount of these raw materials must first be limited and used in conjunction with conventional raw materials. Raw materials that are difficult to digest for livestock and poultry, such as feather meal, meat and bone meal, blood meal, cotton seed meal, vegetable meal, etc., are selected through necessary treatments such as high heat, high pressure, puffing, thermal spraying, acid hydrolysis, alkali hydrolysis, or microbial fermentation. Into the feed formula. With the rapid development of animal nutrition, feed processing, and biotechnology, it has become a reality to increase the digestibility and nutritional value of unconventional raw materials, which is of great significance to broaden the supply of feed resources and fully promote environmentally friendly feeds.
2 Reasonable selection of feed additives Based on environmental protection, newly developed feed additives should be subjected to residue and “three-induction” tests for safety evaluation during the approval process; drug additives should indicate their name, use of animal objects, and dosage in the label of feed products. Action, withdrawal period, and precautions for use, to avoid double use of drugs and excessive use of drugs; the choice of antibiotics to avoid cross-resistance with human drugs, and so on. In recent years, some countries have successively encountered feed safety problems such as mad cow disease, two-evil culprit, and foot-and-mouth disease, which have caused huge economic losses. Feed and food safety have become the fourth largest problem after population, resources and the environment. Developed countries have taken the lead in implementing HACCP (Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point) management to ensure feed safety. China's feed industry has also begun to implement HACCP management and certification for feed enterprises. The selection of efficient, safe, pollution-free “Green” feed additives is an important part of this, and it is also an important measure to control the pollution of livestock and poultry urine. The commonly used “green” feed additives for the control of livestock and poultry urine contamination mainly include feed enzyme preparations, feed micro-ecological regulators, and deodorants, which have been widely used in environmentally friendly feeds.
2.1 Feed enzyme preparations Feed enzyme preparations are exogenous enzyme preparations that are inoculated in a specific matrix by microbial strains and cultured, dried, crushed, and formulated after solid or liquid fermentation. Enzyme preparations include single enzyme preparations and complex enzyme preparations. In addition to phytase as a single enzyme product, the research, development and application of other feed enzyme preparations are compound enzyme preparations containing multiple enzymes. There are four main types of feed complex enzymes: 1 feed complex enzyme mainly composed of protease and amylase; 2 feed complex enzyme mainly based on beta-glucanase; 3 with cellulase and pectinase The main feed complex enzyme; 4 feed complex enzyme based on cellulase, protease, amylase, glucoamylase, pectinase. Feed enzyme preparations can not only supplement the deficiency of animal endogenous enzymes, promote the digestion and absorption of nutrients by animals, but also effectively reduce the anti-nutritional factors in feed, thereby increasing the nutritional value of feed and helping to reduce livestock and poultry excrement. The amount of emissions.
The enzymatic action is highly specific and can only act on substrates with specific chemical bond valences. To make full use of the enzyme preparation, the enzyme preparation should be selected according to the diet formulation. In all enzyme preparations, phytase is currently the most widely used and most successful enzyme species. In developed countries including Europe, USA and Japan, more than 80% of livestock and poultry diets have been supplemented with microbial phytase, and phytase has become an environmentally friendly feed. Missing enzyme preparation. This is because vegetable feed is the main source of livestock and poultry feed. 60% to 80% of phosphorus is in the form of phytate phosphorus and is difficult to digest for non-ruminant animals. Phytase can reduce the phosphorus pollution of livestock and poultry manure by 20%. % ~ 50%, play an important role in reducing livestock and poultry excrement contamination. The hydrolysis of phytase has almost no diet specificity, but enzyme preparations of other enzyme species usually have strong diet specificity and strong specificity. For example, the addition of beta-glucanase to barley and oat-based diets can improve the nutritional value of cereals. However, since β-glucan and arabinoxylan are often closely linked to form a plant cell wall material, if added A small amount of xylanase will work better. Similarly, for wheat and rye diets, xylanase should be added. If the human β-glucanase is added at the same time, the effect will be even greater. However, due to the complex structure of arabinoxylan, it is necessary to add multiple enzyme cocktails to succeed. Decompose this fiber (Graham, 1996). For corn-soybean meal diets, the use of xylanase can successfully destroy corn fiber cell walls, thereby releasing nutrients that were previously difficult to use for animals (Graham, 1996). Due to improper processing, soybean meal often retains some anti-nutritional factors such as trypsin inhibitors and lectins. The addition of protease can effectively degrade anti-nutritional factors and increase the nutritional value of the diet.
The use of enzyme preparations also takes into account the species and age of livestock and poultry. The effect of supplementing enzyme preparations in chicken diets was greater than that of pigs, mainly due to the anatomical and physiological differences in the digestive tract of chickens and pigs. In general, young animals have imperfect digestive tract development and endogenous digestive enzyme secretion may be insufficient. They should be supplemented with amylases and proteases to aid in digestion. In the later stages of growth, due to the increase in the content of raw materials with low nutritional value in the diet, they should be supplemented accordingly. Cellulase, glucanase, xylanase, etc. to eliminate anti-nutritional effects, improve feed conversion. In addition, during the process of feed processing, storage and feeding, enzyme preparations are affected by temperature, humidity, oxidants and other physical, chemical and biological factors due to PH and prime. In the application of enzyme preparations, these factors are all considered.
2.2 Feeding microecological regulators Microecological regulators include three major categories of probiotics, prebiotics and synbiotics.
2.2.1 Prebiotics. Probiotics, also known as probiotics, probiotics, probiotics, live microbial preparations, or probiotics, are active microbiological feed additives that improve the host animal's balance of intestinal flora and exert beneficial effects (Fuller, 1989). Currently used prebiotics are mainly lactobacillus, bacillus, streptococcus faecalis, yeasts and other single strains or compound strains. The beneficial effects of prebiotics refer to the production of beneficial metabolites and the secretion of proteases, amylases, lipases and other digestive enzymes, thereby promoting the digestion and absorption of nutrients and improving feed utilization; probiotics can inhibit and repel Escherichia coli, Salmonella, etc. The growth and reproduction of pathogenic microorganisms promote the growth and reproduction of lactic acid bacteria and other beneficial microorganisms, thereby establishing a microbial flora mainly composed of beneficial microorganisms in the digestive tract of animals, reducing the chance of animal diseases and promoting the growth of animals; in addition, probiotics prevent The fermentation of harmful bacteria can reduce the odor in the feces. However, probiotics have the disadvantages of the uncertainty of bacterial composition and instability in the internal and external environment of the intestine, and are limited in popularization and application.
2.2.2 Prebiotics. In a narrow sense, prebiotics mainly refer to oligosaccharide products such as oligosaccharides, mannan oligosaccharides, isomaltoligosaccharides, and the like. Since oligosaccharides can selectively promote the growth and reproduction of beneficial bacteria in the intestine, without being used by harmful bacteria, the balance of intestinal flora is maintained and the health of animals is promoted. In addition. Some oligosaccharides such as mannan oligosaccharide can be competitively combined with pathogenic bacteria to prevent the binding and colonization of pathogenic bacteria in intestinal epithelial cells; at the same time, harmful bacteria that have bound to epithelial cells can be shed and excreted with the feces. Because of its advantages of low heat, stability, no residue, and drug resistance, prebiotics are considered as a green feed additive with great development potential.
2.2.3 Synbiotics. Synbiotics mainly refer to biologics formulated with a certain proportion of probiotics and prebiotics. Zimmer (2001) found that the combination of indigestible oligosaccharides and degradable probiotics can control the intestinal microecology system very well. Because of the competitive glycolytic action of these probiotics and the indigenous bacteria of the intestine, The survival rate of the probiotics when passing through the upper intestinal tract is improved, the colonization rate of colonic microorganisms is increased, and the stimulation of the growth and activity of endogenous and exogenous bacteria is enhanced. Nemeoba et al. (1999) reported that the combination of Lactobacillus casei and fructo-oligosaccharides fed weaned piglets showed a significant increase in Lactobacilli, Bifidobacteria, and total anaerobic bacteria in feces, indicating that paracasein Lactobacillus and FOS have a synergistic effect.
Although the study on synbiotics has just started, due to its dual role of probiotics and prebiotics, there has been an increasing trend in the research and application of this preparation.
2.3 Deodorants Deodorants currently used in commercial products, one of which is extracted from Smilacis Rhyzoma plants, can block urease activity, reduce ammonia production and promote the proliferation of lactic acid bacteria; the other is from the genus Yucacia which grows in the desert. The linfeng blue succulent plant Yucca Schidigera can be combined with ammonia, hydrogen sulfide, helium and other toxic and harmful gases to control odor; meanwhile, it can synergize with the intestinal microorganisms to jointly promote the absorption of nutrients, inhibit urea decomposition, and make urine The content of ammonia dropped by 40% to 60% (Liao Xinyi 1999). Duffy et al. (1998) added 120 mg/kg deodorant to a diet of 25 to 30 kg body weight pigs, which showed a 52% increase in daily gain compared to the non-addition group, a decrease in backfat thickness of 14%, and a decrease in urinary turbid concentration. 12%.36%. A study by Cole et al. (1998) in the Netherlands and France showed that addition of 120 mg/kg deodorant to pig diets significantly reduced pasture ammonia concentrations (42.5% and 28.5%), and also improved feed conversion rates. Reduce the incidence.
According to reports, adding deodorants such as activated carbon and saponin to the diet can significantly reduce the production of NH3 and H2S in feces. Bentonite and zeolite powder also have the function of binding to ammonia in excrement. When sepiolite or bentonite is added to the growing pig diet, the ammonia excretion in the excreta is reduced. In addition, sodium humate and ferrous sulfate are used as deodorants.
3 Accurately estimate the nutritional needs of animals. Scientifically designing feed formulas The excessive supply of nutrients is the direct cause of the increase in excretion of excreta. Excessive N, P, copper, zinc, arsenic, selenium, and toxic and harmful gases are contained in excreta ( Such as ammonia, hydrogen sulfide, etc.), antibiotic residues, etc., especially N, P content is too high. In actual production, animal diets often contain some excess nutrients as a marginal safety factor to compensate for variations in feed composition or inability to accurately determine the effects of nutrient availability on the feeding effect of the raw materials used. Therefore, accurately estimating the nutritional requirements of animals and the nutritional value of feed is the premise and basis for the scientific design of environmentally friendly feed formulations. In addition, the scientific design of environmentally friendly feed formulations must not only consider the growth stage and physiological characteristics of the livestock and poultry, but also consider the synergy and relationship between various nutrients, certain anti-nutritional factors in the feed, and certain nutrients. Constraints on the utilization rate, and even need to consider the different livestock and poultry under the different conditions of the variety of nutrient requirements changes, etc., in order to improve the digestibility and utilization of various nutrients in the diet.
Taking nitrogen nutrition as an example, with the continuous deepening of research on protein and amino acid nutrition, livestock and poultry diet preparation has gradually shifted from “crude protein” to “ideal protein model of total amino acid (digestible amino acid)”. According to the ideal protein model, the synthesis of amino acids based on digestible amino acids and the preparation of a low-nitrogen diet that meets the animal's physiological amino acid balance can reduce the level of protein in feeds, increase the nitrogen availability in the diet, and reduce fecal urine output. The amount of nitrogen emitted reduces nitrogen pollution to the environment. Many trials have shown that under the condition of better balance of dietary amino acids, a 2% decrease in dietary crude protein content has no significant effect on animal performance (Jongblied et al., in 1998, it also reduced nitrogen excretion by 20%. Che et al. (1995) reported that adding 0.1% lysine and methionine to each broiler diet containing 20% ​​crude protein resulted in the same weight gain as the control group with 23% crude protein, whereas dry matter and nitrogen The excretion was reduced by 9.69% and 22.09%, respectively.Shriver et al. (2000) fed diets with a 4% reduction in crude protein levels (addition of synthetic amino acids to achieve the same level of amino acids as the control group) to the pigs. The nitrogen excretion was reduced by 49% but did not affect the production performance.Hobbs et al. (1996) increased the crude protein levels in diets from growing pigs and finishing pigs by 2% and 19%, respectively, by adding synthetic amino acids to the diet. Decreased to 14% and 13%, resulting in a reduction in urinary nitrogen excretion by 40 The amount of odor in the excreta was significantly reduced, and according to statistics, when the crude protein level of the diet was calculated to be 1 percentage point lower through the ideal protein model, the release of excrement ammonia gas decreased by 100% to 125%. The first to third restricted amino acids were added to the diet, the protein was reduced by 2 to 4 percent, and the N excretion was reduced by 20% to 30%.
4 Improve the feed processing technology The feed processing technology, such as crushing, mixing, granulation and puffing, can affect the utilization of feed nutrients by livestock and poultry. The improvement of feed processing technology will help improve the digestibility and utilization of feed nutrients, as well as the waste of feed to reduce environmental pollution and reduce feed costs. Among them, the degree of comminution of feed ingredients and the uniformity of ration mixing are the most important. In terms of uniformity, it is generally required that the homogeneity coefficient of variation of compound feeds (including concentrates) should be less than or equal to 10%, and the coefficient of variation of homogeneity of additive premixes should be 7% or less (domestic) or 5% (foreign). In China, there are many feed manufacturers that have insufficient attention to the impact of feed mixer performance on feed utilization.
The mixing uniformity of the feed should be tested at least once every six months in order to adjust the mixing time. The grain size of the feed crushed can change the feed conversion rate by 5% to l0%, but the specific requirements for different animals are different. The suitable particle size for various animals is as follows: 1 to 10 days old chicks 115 micron; 2.8 weeks old or 212 micron piglets; broilers, 8 to 22 weeks old growing layers, pigs 310 micron; big pigs 410 Micron. Granulation can avoid the grading and separation of finished products and ensure that the livestock and poultry feed on a balanced full price feed, thereby improving feed utilization. Extrusion changes not only the molecular structure of proteins, carbohydrates, and fats, but also improves the digestibility of nutrients, and reduces the immunogenicity of feed ingredients such as soybeans. As a result, feed waste is reduced. In addition, granulation and puffing have the effect of inhibiting and destroying some anti-nutritional and toxic substances and killing microorganisms. Therefore, after livestock and poultry feed on this type of extruded or granulated feed, the amount of excreta and urine discharged as well as toxic and harmful substances are all reduced.

Soybean,also called soya Bean, is one of the important food crops in China, has five thousand years of cultivation history.  It`s commonly used to do all kinds of bean products, to extract soybean oil, brewing soy sauce and extraction of proteins. Bean dregs or soybean powders are also frequently used in livestock feed. Among 100 grams of soy are protein 36.3 grams, 18.4 grams fat, 25.3 g sugar, 412 kilocalorie quantity of heat, calcium, phosphorus 571 mg, 367 mg iron 11 mg, 0.79 mg 0.4 mg carotene, vitamin B1, vitamin B2 0.25 mg, 2.1 mg niacin. Soy contains many kinds of the human body necessities such as amino acid, unsaturated fatty acids, phospholipids, microelement, vitamin and high quality protein, is very helpful food for  the liver, high blood pressure, arteriosclerosis, heart disease and other cardiovascular.


Healthy Nutritious Self-planted Dried Soybean

China Chongqing Pangfanyi Technology Co.,Ltd. ,