The use of glyphosate for weed control in peach, pear, and plum gardens not only had a greater impact on the yield and quality of peach, pear, and plum, but also caused peach, pear, and plum gum to occur, accelerating senescence and death. Glyphosate is an allergenic herbicide and has a great damage to the roots. Peach, pear and plum are shallow root crops. The root system is easily killed and severely affects the absorption of fertilizer and water. It has a great impact on the yield and quality, especially Peach, pear, and young trees are more severely affected, but growth is retarded, and weight is fatal. It is recommended that growers use herbicides such as paraquat instead of weeding with herbicides such as glyphosate. Because paraquat and other herbicides can only kill the green part of the earth and will not harm the root system. Tangshan Finely Animal Care Co.,Ltd ,
An orchard that is not suitable for weeding with glyphosate