The mother often told her children that breakfast was the most important meal of the day. It now appears that what the mother said makes sense. A small study found that skipping breakfast may damage the heart and increase weight. British researchers recently discovered that if healthy, slim women do not eat breakfast, then their cholesterol levels will increase, and the body's "sensitivity" to insulin will decrease. Insulin is a hormone that helps regulate blood sugar levels. Researchers believe that if women do not eat breakfast, then they will eat more in those days without breakfast, thereby promoting weight gain. Some studies in the past have found that people who eat breakfast regularly, especially whole-wheat foods, have lower cholesterol and insulin levels. The new study believes that regular breakfast and breakfast will also bring long-term benefits to human health. In order to study the impact of eating breakfast and skipping breakfast on short-term metabolism, researchers at the University of Nottingham, UK, studied 10 normal-weight women. The researchers asked these women to have two diet plans every two weeks. One was to take a bowl of wheat bran flakes with low-fat milk in the morning, and then eat two main meals and two snacks at other times of the day. Another diet plan is not to eat breakfast, but to eat a cereal at lunch and add two additional main meals and snacks at other times of the day. In addition, these two programs allow these women to eat sweet bread at lunch. The results of the study showed that after breakfast, these women generally have higher levels of cholesterol (LDL) and their insulin sensitivity is worse. The study reported that these women also had higher calorie intake during their non-breakfast meals, which means that, in addition to affecting cholesterol and insulin levels, skipping breakfast would also allow these women to eat more. The researchers said that the study is not only interesting, but also tells people that it is important to eat breakfast in the morning; if some people eat at noon and then eat cereals, it will affect the metabolism. Infectious Coryza Killed Vaccine Chicken Coryza Vaccine,Coryza Vaccine For Poultry,Infectious Coryza Killed Vaccine,Infectious Coryza Serotype Vaccine Shangqiu Meilan Biological Engineering Co.,Ltd ,
Breakfast is good for the heart