In life, occasionally sleeping at a time is not insomnia. To determine whether you suffer from insomnia, you can refer to the following indicators: If you are still asleep for half an hour after you go to bed, or if you sleep for less than six and a half hours throughout the night, or if you wake up for more than half an hour, you will noticeably The next day's work and life, there are irritability, loss, etc., basically can be diagnosed with insomnia. Why should we stress the latter? The main reason is that people have a lot of individual differences in their sleep. There are a few people who only need to sleep for four or five hours a day, and the next day they are still full of energy. This situation will not affect their work and Life is not insomnia. Of those who experienced insomnia, half of them had occasional insomnia. Occasional insomnia is not terrible, but need to be careful that many chronic insomnia patients develop from occasional insomnia. Insomnia is more than three days a week. If this condition lasts for more than one month, you should seek medical attention. However, many people do not start with insomnia at first, and wait until the illness gets worse before they go to see a specialist. Doctors often give them prescription sleeping pills, but many people are afraid of sleeping pills and think that their side effects are too great and they are addicted to eating. In fact, this is a misunderstanding of sleeping pills. Studies abroad have long been conducted. Insomnia caused by memory loss and recession is much higher than taking sleeping pills. Many times, people think that their memory problems are caused by taking sleeping pills. Actually, their treatment is mainly because they are not allowed to be treated. Only a temporary solution will result in more and more sleeping pills, more severe insomnia and more obvious memory. decline. According to a survey conducted on the sleep status of Chinese physicians, nearly 70% of doctors have experienced insomnia in the past 12 months. Among them, 62.8% of doctors believe that their health problems may be related to sleep problems, and 47.8% of doctors believe that their own Sleep issues affect doctor-patient relationships. Although they all attach great importance to the problem of insomnia, the survey also shows how they should take sleeping pills and even the doctors themselves "can't figure it out." Some doctors take sleeping tablets of hypnotics, some take sleeping tablets that are not stable, and some take Chinese medicine or health supplements. In the end how to choose medication, many doctors are not based on the diagnosis of their own diseases, but the recommendation of a friend shall prevail. In addition, doctors do not do the same for how to treat insomnia. Of these, 9% were given when the patient requested it, while others were not.
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The side effects of sleeping pills will intensify your insomnia!