Agaricus blazei (ABM) belongs to the genus Mushroom, which is also known as Mushroom and Brazil mushroom. The mushroom is native to the Americas and grows in coastal pastures. The fruiting body is crisp, refreshing, rich in aroma, and has an almond flavor. The stipe can be eaten. Agaricus blazei not only contains a variety of essential amino acids, vitamins, and emblem elements, especially its complex polysaccharide containing protein, is the first of other mushrooms, it has a therapeutic effect on human diseases. We introduced the test plant from Fujian in 1 egg 3 years, harvesting 7.4 kg of fresh mushrooms per square meter (mouth 2) (a few tons up to 9-10 kg/m2 (k/m2). Currently Japan, Eastern Europe, etc. The country has already raised the boom of edible Agaricus Blazei Murrill / Bu Shang has been purchased in large quantities and the highest price of dried mushrooms has reached more than 2 Yin per kilogram.1 Biological characteristics 1.1 Morphological characteristics Agaricus blazei Murrill's fruit body is thick and thick. , Diameter 5-12 cm, surface covered with light brown to chestnut-brown fibrous scales, covered with fungal debris, thick flesh, white, orange-yellow after injury, pleated, dense, early milky white, after The color is dark brown, and the stipe is cylindrical, medium-sized, slightly enlarged at the base of the stem, and the stem is 4-14 cm long and 1-3 cm thick. The bursa is dark brown and dark brown in the spores. The temperature of the fruiting body is 17-33°C, and the optimum temperature for growth is between 20--25°C.2 cultivations are arranged in one year, 3-3-5 months in spring, and 8-10 months in autumn. Selecting the site Organic Agaricus blazei shed (Alternative use of organic bisporus sheds) should be located on a flat terrain with good water quality and away from pollution In areas where the surrounding environment is sanitary, the mushroom shed should face south to the south.Preparation of culture materials should be based on 100 square meters of cultivated area and requires 2000 kg of organic wheat straw, 1500 kg of dried cow dung, 100 kg of bean cake, 40 kg of gypsum, and 35 kg of lime. Prepare culture materials according to the formula, mix wheat straw, etc., and spread meters thick on the ground to spread river water, bay water or well water (river and bay water cannot be contaminated) evenly on the material surface, so as to be evenly wetted. The principle is to divide the cultivation material into 10 parts, build a stack of 10 layers, make a length of 10-15 meters, a width of 2 meters, and a height of 15 meters. When the heap temperature reaches 75 degrees Celsius, it will be turned and the total volume will be turned 5 times. On the day of turning the pile, turn it every four, five, five, three, and two days, and after three rounds of turning to add clean, non-polluting water, you must add enough water and mix thoroughly to hold the culture by hand. Fingering seams are suitable for dripping 2--3 drops of water.After turning over, the material is tightly packed with plastic film and sealed for 36--72 hours.The material temperature can exceed 54°C to enter the shed. The cultivation and management of the first material is 10 cm thick. Spread 1â„2 of the total amount of bacteria on the surface of the material, insert the finger into the material, and slightly vibrate the surface of the material so that the bacteria can enter the material surface uniformly. 3--7 cm, compacted with a wooden board or shovel, and then spread 10 cm thick culture material, compaction, spread the remaining bacteria on the surface of the material, so that 30% of the whole surface of bacteria species exposed, The surface of the material should be particularly smooth, after which the cultivation of bacteria can be carried out.Under normal conditions, 15-20 days after sowing, the mycelium grows to 2/3 of the whole culture material, and the covering material can be covered with earth. The clay 20 centimeters below the grassland is sieved and dried, then made into coarse soil (60%) and fine soil (40%). Cover soil is 3-3.5cm thick, of which fine soil is 1cm thick. Thickness of 2-2.5 cm.When the soil is sprayed on the second day after covering the soil, the humidity of the topsoil should be formed by hand-rolling without spreading and sticking hands.It is advisable to manage the fruit from the cover soil to the mycelium under proper conditions. It takes 20-25 days. When the surface of the cover soil has villous hyphae formed, and mycelium bundles are formed on the coarse soil particles, heavy water should be sprayed once when the size of the rice primordium is present. At the same time, the ventilation volume should be increased. When the mushroom bud grows to a large soybean, spray 2 - 3 times a day to keep the soil moist and stop spraying until the bud reaches 2 cm in diameter. During the mushrooming period, the temperature in the shed should be maintained at 20--25°C, and the relative humidity of the air should be maintained at 85%--90%. The temperature difference should be avoided as much as possible. About 40 days after sowing, Agaricus blazei was planted. When the outer edge of the cap was not separated from the stipe, the surface of the cover was yellow-brown to light brown with fibrous scales. It was advisable to collect the veil when it was not broken. Each tide mushroom cycle is 7-10 days, generally 4--6 tide mushroom can be harvested.
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