Early drainage for corn that has suffered from waterlogging should remove the field water as soon as possible, reduce soil and air humidity, and promote plant recovery. Corn is afraid of waterlogging in the early stage and should be drained in time, and the flooding time should not exceed half a day.
Cultivate the land in time for land that has been affected by storm water, strong wind and other factors, and it shall be cultivated and straightened in time according to the actual situation. Generally, remedial measures are not needed for the stem to fall. When the weather improves, it will return to an upright state after a period of growth; the roots must be raised immediately after the rain. When raising, the stems should form a 30-50 degree angle with the ground. , Cultivate the roots of corn with soil and use your feet firmly; stem breaks are generally difficult to restore growth, lighter plots are not easy to take rescue measures, and let them grow naturally. For plots with severe stem breaks, pay close attention to replanting others Autumn crops to reduce losses.
Early application of seedling fertilizer should promptly apply seedling fertilizer to the fields that have been flooded for a long time and severely soiled, and urea can be applied during the big bell mouth period. Spraying high-efficiency foliar fertilizer and root promoters at the same time of fertilization can promote the transformation of seedling conditions, promote root development, and promote recovery growth. For corn fields with late sowing, dry seedlings, and weak growth, the moisture content can be used to increase the application of available nitrogen fertilizer in time.
Prevention and control of diseases and pests Due to the accumulation of water in the field, plant damage, saturated soil moisture, and high air humidity, various diseases are likely to occur. For corn fields where pests and diseases appear, symptomatic treatment is required. Spraying the pesticide once every 10 days for a total of 2 to 3 sprays can prevent and control field pests and diseases. At the same time, it is necessary to strengthen field observation and timely pull out weeds, which can effectively prevent the occurrence and spread of the virus, early detection and timely pull out diseased plants and bring them out of the field for treatment.
After cultivating and weeding rain, due to the high water content in the soil and the high temperature, the growth rate of weeds is obviously accelerated. If weeds in the field are not removed in time, it is easy to cause weeds. Therefore, after heavy rains, on plots with serious weeds, weeds should be sprayed with stem and leaf treatment herbicides in time, and intertillage and weeding can also be carried out to ensure the normal growth of corn, to do well in intertillage and stubble, and to promote root and weed control.
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