Scientists find evidence that the Mediterranean diet reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease

Scientists find evidence that the Mediterranean diet reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease

December 25, 2018 Source: Ministry of Science and Technology

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Recently, researchers at the Brigham and Women's Hospital and School of Public Health at Harvard Medical School published a report entitled "Assessment of Risk Factors and Biomarkers Associated With Risk of Cardiovascular Disease Among Women Consuming a Mediterranean Diet." in JAMA Network Open. The article reports that from a cohort of American women who insisted on the “Mediterranean diet”, the researchers found that participants in the diet rich in plants and olive oil, meat and a small amount of sweets, the “Mediterranean diet”, their hearts The risk of vascular disease can be reduced by 25%.

“Mediterranean diet” refers to the basis of natural nutrients as the dietary structure, including olive oil, vegetables, fruits, fish, seafood, beans, plus the right amount of red wine and garlic, is a more special way of eating. Previous studies have shown that intake of the Mediterranean diet (MED) is associated with a reduced risk of cardiovascular disease (CVD), but to date, data on the underlying molecular mechanisms of this reverse disease association in the population has been reported to be limited.

The project's researchers evaluated the potential mediator effects of a group of 40 biomarkers, including lipids, lipoproteins, apolipoproteins, inflammation, glucose metabolism and insulin resistance, branched-chain amino acids, small molecule metabolites, and clinical factors. Baseline study information and sample collection were completed over a three-year period. Data analysis was conducted between 2017 and 2018. Exposure to MED intake is a nine-category measure of compliance with Mediterranean dietary patterns. Participants were divided into three levels based on their adherence to MED, and a stratified analysis of cases was performed accordingly.

In this study, higher MED intake was associated with a relative risk reduction of approximately one-quarter of CVD events, some of which may be explained by known traditional and/or novel risk factors. The study conveys an important public health message that is known to be a modest change in risk factors for cardiovascular disease, especially those associated with inflammation, glucose metabolism, and insulin resistance. At the same time, the project further confirms that the Mediterranean diet can provide long-term benefits for reducing the risk of cardiovascular disease.

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