Cucumber grafting leaves double roots

Fusarium wilt is one of the major diseases of cucumber. The grafting of Yunnan black-skinned squash and cucumber can effectively increase the growth potential of cucumber. Disease resistance, and increase production is significant.

During routine grafting, when the incision heals, when the cucumber seedlings grow 2-3 leaves, the cucumber roots are cut, leaving only the pumpkin roots and then colonized. The grafted seedlings have the advantages of strong disease resistance and high yield, but the disadvantages are poor taste, impure taste, and a bit of "pumpkin flavor". The melons and the self-rooted seedlings are also different: the melon ribs are shallow: there are fewer guars, sometimes Even light leather, melon belt with yellow straight grain.

The double root method is to implant the rootstock with the root of the grafted seedling into the bauxite when planting. The method of operation is very simple. It should be noted that the cucumber seedlings used in grafting are slightly smaller than the pumpkin seedlings. In the case of seedlings, the depth of the cucumber seedlings was slightly shallower than that of the pumpkin seedlings. Double roots should be implanted into the soil at the time of colonization, and the other graft method should be the same.

Field management should pay attention to the following points:

1. Within a week of colonization. Keep shelf temperature at 25°C-28°C, minimum at least 20°C, use apron ventilation at daytime temperatures over 30°C, and ventilate or ventilate as little as possible at a maximum of 30°C.

2. During the prosperous period or during the rainy season, we must strictly control the humidity and irrigation, and when the signs of disease occur, we should deal with high-temperature stuffy sheds and raise the temperature in the shed to 45 cC for 40 minutes.

3. In the middle and later stages of fruiting, pay attention to the top dressing with water.

The melon strips left by the double root method maintained the shape and quality of the self-rooted seedlings. The taste was much improved compared to conventional grafted melons, and the yield was only slightly lower than that of conventional grafted melons. Thus, the cucumber produced by the double root method retains the advantages of self-rooted and conventional grafting, but also avoids the shortcomings of the two to a large extent, and combines the natural quality of cucumber with pollution-free production. stand up.

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