1. Choose the suitable varieties for the cherry Good early maturing varieties or medium-early maturing varieties are: "Chiffy red", "red light", "red cherry", "Ranel", "Sato Nishiki" and so on. Short-stem type varieties and self-bearing varieties with strong strength include: "Short-stem Pioneers", "Short-Stansler", and the spacing of the plants can be 2.0-2.5 meters 3.0-3.5 meters. 2. The time for the tarpaulin time shall be determined according to the conditions of the greenhouse facilities and the time when the fresh fruit is listed. The third year after planting, when the plants form a certain amount of flower buds, they can be shed. The use of arch round plastic greenhouses, from north to south, light is better and the light within the shed is even, single shed area of ​​about 667 square meters is appropriate. When the sheds are held, the sheds should be baited after the cherry tree is dormant (roughly from late January to early February). 3, greenhouse temperature and humidity requirements before germination, during the day 18 °C -20 °C, night 2 °C -5 °C, relative humidity of 80%; flowering during the day 20 °C -22 °C, night 5 °C - 7 °C, relative humidity of 50 %—60%; After flowering to fruit enlargement period, daytime 22°C—25°C, nighttime 10°C—12°C, relative humidity 60%; fruit coloring to harvesting period, daytime 22°C—25°C, nighttime 12°C— 15°C, relative humidity 50%. 4. During the flowering period, the cultivated land is protected. Because of the limited environmental conditions in the greenhouse, the quality of the leaves before the fruit harvesting period is poor, the photosynthetic capacity of the leaves is low, and the fruit yield is high, which can easily cause the nutrient depletion and the plants to die. Therefore, we must strengthen flowering management, reasonable load, and improve the storage of nutrients in the tree. 1 to improve the fruit setting rate to improve fruit set rate of technical measures are: 10 days before flowering, sunny days at noon every day to make the flower organ to undergo training as soon as possible, to accept a certain amount of direct light irradiation. Improve the quality of flower bud development; artificial pollination, pollination can be carried out from flowering to flowering on the 3rd day, but pollination is best on the same day; bee pollination is carried out, and the negative 6th power of GA3 or rare earth micro fertilizer is sprayed at a flowering stage for 5010 times. The liquid can effectively increase the fruit setting rate; about 10 days after flowering, it can timely pick up the shoots for new shoots to prevent the growth of shoots and young fruit from competing for nutrients, which has a significant effect on improving fruit set rate. 2 The sparse flower buds should learn the principles of sparse flowering, weak flowering, and sparse development. 3 Shuguoshu fruit should be carried out after fruit physiological fruit drop. The degree of fruit thinning depends on the condition of the whole plant fruit set. Generally, a bouquet of short fruit sticks leaves 3-4 fruits and a maximum of 4-5 fruit. When thinning the fruit, attention should be paid to sparse fruit and weak fruit, leaving the fruits horizontal or upward. 4Following the promotion of fruit enlargement and coloring after flowering and dislocation, the amino acid compound fertilizer applied on leaves, such as Hongguo88 and Fengshouwang multiple composite micro-fertilizer, can significantly increase leaf quality and chlorophyll content, increase leaf thickness, and increase photosynthetic efficiency. Promote fruit enlargement and coloring; in the fruit coloring period, remove the leaves that cover the fruit's sunlight, pay special attention to remove the shading of the fruit on the tip of the leaves, but it should be noted that the photosynthetic products of the leaves on the fruit have influence on the flower bud formation in the second year, so can not Too much leaves; In order to improve the coloring of the fruit, 10-15 days before fruit harvest, the crown can be retroreflected under the canopy to increase light reflection under the canopy and promote fruit coloring. 5, pruning cultivation of protective cultivation, poor lighting conditions, should be better delayed light happy or spindle-shaped; summer season to complete the pruning task; pull the branches before the shed, adjust the angle of branches; new shoots for long-term continuous picking, Strong control. 6. Pest and pest control and cultivation in protected areas, due to plant growth under specific environmental conditions, the general pests and diseases are lighter, and the main control objects are flower rot and brown rot, etc. Generally, there are fewer pests in the shed. In the prevention and control of pests and diseases, management of orchards in summer and autumn should be grasped to eliminate various types of overwintering pests.
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