The cultivation of Conventional Goji Berry using the usual modern and traditional agricultural technologise. In Ningxia China you can see thousands of acres of goji berry cultivation base. In June each year, the goji berry trees bear agate-like fruits. After a series of machine processing, nutrition-rich Fresh Goji Berries are processed into the dried goji berrise for easy storage and transportation. Finally through the dealers like you and me, the magic goji berries into the plates around the world.
Conventional goji berry
Meet CIQ inspection standards
Goji Berries are all the rage in the food world right now for their exquisite taste and vast health benefits, deeming it one of the world`s few Super Fruits. It has been said that the Goji Berry is chock full of anti-oxidants that help reverse the aging process, and for that reason it has become so popular in the world. Though they sound exotic and are most often found with a high price tag in health food stores, Goji berries are actually easy to grow hardy plants. They taste like a blend between a cherry and raisin and are totally seedless. They have been used for over 5,000 years by traditional Chines and Tibetan cultures. It contains more iron than spinach and even more protein than whole wheat per serving while high in vitamins, minerals and anti-oxidants. But unlike most of the other Super Fruits, this is winter hardy to minus 20F. Size 500 Conventional Goji Berry Size 500 Conventional Goji Berry,Goji Berry Snacks,Small Size Conventional Goji Berry,Organic Dried Big Size Wolfberry NINGXIA UNION-SURE CO., LTD. ,
Defecation can make pomegranate flowers tall
Test method: After the soil is sieved, the manure is evenly mixed and the test soil is 2.5 kg. Test treatment: 0.5 kg (20%) of manure, 2 kg of soil, 0.75 kg (30%) of manure, and 1.75 kg of soil; Manure 1 kg (40%), soil 1.5 kg; control soil 2.5 kg. 6 repetitions of the test results: (1) Effect on plant height growth, pomegranate plant height was investigated, and the plant height of Shixue excrement was 4 -5 cm higher than that of the control. Plants that applied excrement were prosperous and had significant fertilizer effect. (2) The effect on the number of flowers can be seen Shijiao manure treatment 1 kg, a total of 381 flowers, an average of 63 flowers per pot, 31 more than the control; Shi manure 0.75 kg treatment, a total of 332 flowers, the average each There were 55 flowers in the pots, 23 more than the control, and 0.5 kg in the Shichang manure. The total number of flowers bloomed was 210. The average number of flowers per pot was 35, which was slightly higher than that of the control. For the control, the plant had a total of 194 flowers, with an average of 32 per pot. Duo. It can be seen that pomegranate flowers are more resistant to fertilizers, and more fertilizer is used for flowering. (3) Influence on the number of results. It can be seen from the test results that the pomegranates that used vermicompost produced more flowering and the results were much more. With a treatment of 1 kilogram of manure, a total of 19 pips were placed, with an average of 3.1 pegs per pot. The control was more than 2.4; the application of 0.75 kg of Shiqu manure, a total of 12 fruit, an average of 2 fruit per pot, 1.24 more than the control; treatment of 0.5 kg of manure, a total of 10 results, an average of 1.6 results per pot , More results than the control of 0.94. Control only 1 pot of fruit, most plants do not result.